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file:d:/code/LRC/Splicer/splicer_code_ver2.2/splicer_drawing_functions.c        (Tue Mar 14 16:49:26 2000 )

   1: /*
   2:     contains the following functions:
   3: */
   4:          void SplicerInitialSettings();
   5:          void SetMinMax();
   6:          void SetDisplayDefaults();
   7:          int  GetDisplayValues();
   8:          void AxisDep();
   9:          void AxisVar();
  10:          void AxisCorr();
  11:          void AxisDepthOffset();
  12:          void AxisAge();
  13:          void MakeTheGCs();
  14:          void SetInitialColors();
  15:          int  FindAveDepth();
  16:          int  Correlate();
  17:          int  RepickDepth();
  18:          int  FindMinMax();
  19:          int  CleanUpCore();
  20:          int  CleanUpSpliceCore();
  21:          void DisplaySliderControl();
  22:          int  StdDev();
  23:          int  SiteAveDepth();
  24:          void MakeClipMask();
  25:          void FindClipRegion();
  26:          int  FindMinMaxOneCore();
  27:          void ReadColorList();
  28:          int  GetColorPixelValue();
  29:          void SetCustomeColorButtonColors();
  30:          void SetCustomeColorWidgetBGColors();
  31:          void SetCustomeColorWidgetFGColors();
  32:          void PlaceDialog();
  33:          void MapStratToAffine();
  34:          void FindStratDepthOffset();
  35:          void AgeDepthMinMax();
  36:          void AgeDepthPlotValues();
  37:          int  CalcAge();
  38:          int  GetColorSet();
  39:          void SetColorSetBGandFG();
  40:          int FindSpliceAveAge();
  42: #include <Xm/Xm.h>
  43: #include <Xm/Text.h>
  44: #include <stdio.h>
  45: #include <stdlib.h>
  46: #include <string.h>
  47: #include <math.h>
  48: #include "splicer-creation-c.h"
  49: #include "splicer_vars.h"
  51: void SplicerInitialSettings(dpy)
  52: Display *dpy;
  53: {
  54:   int i;
  55:   char *string;
  56:   time_t tp;
  58: /*
  59:   if((string=(char*)calloc(1000, CHAR_SIZE))==NULL)
  60:                  SpBadMemAlloc("");
  61:   (void)strcpy(string,(char*)getenv("WHERE_AM_I"));
  62:   for(i=0; i<strlen(string); ++i) {
  63:     string[i] = toupper(string[i]);
  64:   }
  65:   if(strcmp(string, "SHIP") == 0) {
  66:     whereami = SHIP;
  67:   }
  68:   else if(strcmp(string, "SHORE") == 0) {
  69:     whereami = SHORE;
  70:   }
  71:   else {
  72:     whereami = SHORE;
  73:   }
  74:   free(string);
  75: */
  76:   dataset_cnt = 0;
  77:   dset = 0;
  78:   XtUnmanageChild(optionMenuDataSet);
  79:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet1);
  80:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet2);
  81:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet3);
  82:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet4);
  83:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet5);
  84:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet6);
  85:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet7);
  86:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet8);
  87:   XtUnmanageChild(pushButtonDataSet9);
  88:   have_data = DONT;
  89:   have_affine = DONT;
  90:   have_tie = DONT;
  91:   last_tie = NONE;
  92:   have_tie1 = NO;
  93:   have_tie2 = NO;
  94:   have_shift = DONT;
  95:   have_corr = DONT;
  96:   have_splice = DONT;
  97:   have_core_to_splice = DONT;
  98:   have_splice_tie = DONT;
  99:   last_sp_tie = NONE;
 100:   have_sp_tie1 = NO;
 101:   have_sp_tie2 = NO;
 102:   have_strat = DONT;
 103:   have_splicetoage = DONT;
 104:   have_time_series = DONT;
 105:   have_splicetoage_tie = DONT;
 106:   have_timeseries_tie = DONT;
 107:   last_splicetoage_tie = NONE;
 108:   have_splicetoage_corr = DONT;
 109:   lastaffinehole = -1;
 110:   lastaffinecore = -1;
 111:   draw_offsets = NO;
 112:   are_compositing = NO;
 113:   did_affine = NO;
 114:   saved_affine = NO;
 115:   are_splicing = NO;
 116:   did_splicing = NO;
 117:   saved_splice = NO;
 118:   are_dragging = NO;
 119:   are_agemodelling = NO;
 120:   did_agemodel = NO;
 121:   saved_agemodel = NO;
 122:   agemodel_cnt = 0;
 123:   reason_for_redraw = DRAW_EVERYTHING;
 124:   last_scale_val_edit = 0;
 125:   last_scale_val_view = 0;
 126:   splicertable.data_cnt = 0;
 127:   agemodel_cnt = 0;
 128:   are_agemodelling = NO;
 129:   agemodelling_depth_type = MBSF;
 130:   write_report = NO;
 131:   open_dataform_is_up = NO;
 132:   MakeTheGCs(dpy);
 133:   SetInitialColors(dpy);
 134:   SetDisplayDefaults();
 135:   ReadColorList(dpy);
 136:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonDataBase, FALSE);
 137:   XtSetSensitive(cascadeButtonSave,FALSE);
 138:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveCull,FALSE);
 139:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveAffine,FALSE);
 140:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveSplicerTable,FALSE);
 141:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveStrat,FALSE);
 142:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveData,FALSE);
 143:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonSaveSplicerData,FALSE);
 144:   XtSetSensitive(cascadeButtonClear,FALSE);
 145:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonClearAll,FALSE);
 146:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonClearComposite,FALSE);
 147:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonClearSplice,FALSE);
 148:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonClearStrat,FALSE);
 149:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonComposite,FALSE);
 150:   XtSetSensitive(cascadeButtonSplice,FALSE);
 151:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonDisplay,TRUE);
 152:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonViewOffsets,FALSE);
 153:   XtSetSensitive(pushButtonViewAgeDepth,FALSE);
 154:   XtSetSensitive(cascadeButtonDataManip, False);
 155:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonLockSlider, True, NULL);
 156:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonAgeDepthmbsf, True, NULL);
 157:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth, True, NULL); 
 158:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotSmooth, False, NULL);
 159:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotBoth, False, NULL);
 160:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonOpenFormatsOther1, True, NULL);
 161:   XtSetSensitive(toggleButtonPlotSmooth,FALSE);
 162:   XtSetSensitive(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth,FALSE);
 163:   XtSetSensitive(toggleButtonPlotBoth,FALSE);
 164:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonHeaderNo, True, NULL);
 165:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonHeaderYes, False, NULL);
 167:   XtUnmanageChild(formFileSelectionTimeSeries);
 168:   XtUnmanageChild(optionMenuStratType1);
 169:   XtUnmanageChild(labelStratType1);
 170:   XtVaSetValues(XtParent(formFileSelection), XmNheight, 640, NULL);
 172:   /* write to report
 173:   */
 174:   XtManageChild(formTextReport);
 175:   if((string=(char*)calloc(1000, CHAR_SIZE))==NULL)
 176:                  SpBadMemAlloc("");
 177:   if(time(&tp)) {
 178:     (void)sprintf(string,"Start of Session.  %s",ctime(&tp));
 179:   }
 180:   else {
 181:     (void)sprintf(string, "Start of Session. No date available.\n");
 182:   }
 183:   SpUpdateReport(string);
 184:   free(string);
 185:   XtPopdown(XtParent(formTextReport));
 186: }
 188: void SetMinMax(ds)
 189: int ds;
 190: {
 191:   int scalemax;
 192:   char string[50];
 194:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.2f", data[ds]->min); 
 195:   XtVaSetValues(textVarMin, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 196:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.2f", data[ds]->max); 
 197:   XtVaSetValues(textVarMax, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 199:   scalemax = maxdep + (0.2 * maxdep); 
 200:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL); 
 201:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaViewScale, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL);
 203:   (void)sprintf(string, "");
 204: }
 206: void SetDisplayDefaults()
 207: {
 208:   int scalemax;
 209:   char string[50];
 211:   depmeterdisplayed = DEPMETERDISPLAYED;
 212:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.3f", depmeterdisplayed);
 213:   XtVaSetValues(textDepthScale, XmNvalue, string, NULL);
 215:   deptic = DEPTIC;
 216:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.1f", deptic); 
 217:   XtVaSetValues(textDepthTic, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 219:   varaxislen = VAR_AXIS_LEN;
 220:   (void)sprintf(string, "%d", varaxislen); 
 221:   XtVaSetValues(textVarAxisLen, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 223:   minvar = 0.0;
 224:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.2f", minvar); 
 225:   XtVaSetValues(textVarMin, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 227:   maxvar = 0.0;
 228:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.2f", maxvar);
 229:   XtVaSetValues(textVarMax, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 231:   scale_mult = SCALE_MULT;
 232:   (void)sprintf(string, "%d", scale_mult); 
 233:   XtVaSetValues(textScaleMult, XmNvalue, string, NULL); 
 235:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNscaleMultiple, scale_mult, NULL);
 236:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaViewScale, XmNscaleMultiple, scale_mult, NULL);
 237:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonScaleDragYes, True, NULL);
 238:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonScaleDragNo, False, NULL);
 240:   maxdep = MAXDEP;
 241:   scalemax = maxdep;
 242:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL);
 243:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaViewScale, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL);
 245:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth, False, NULL);
 246:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotSmooth, False, NULL);
 247:   XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotBoth, False, NULL);
 248: /*
 249:   if(smooth.method == NONE) {
 250:   }
 251:   else if(smooth.plot == UNSMOOTHED) {
 252:   }
 253:   else if(smooth.plot == SMOOTHED) {
 254:     XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotSmooth, True, NULL);
 255:     XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth, False, NULL);
 256:   }
 257:   else if(smooth.plot == SMOOTHEDBOTH) {
 258:     XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotBoth, True, NULL);
 259:     XmToggleButtonSetState(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth, False, NULL);
 260:   }
 261: */  
 262:   (void)sprintf(string, "%.2f", DEPTHCHANGE);
 263:   XtVaSetValues(textDepthChange, XmNvalue, string, NULL);
 265:   (void)sprintf(string, "");
 266: }
 269: int GetDisplayValues(ds)
 270: int ds;
 271: {
 272:   double check, fract, ip;
 273:   String  str;
 275:   str = XmTextGetString(textDepthScale);
 276:   depmeterdisplayed = atof(str);
 277:   XtFree(str);
 279:   /* check that meters display is a whole number >= 1
 280:   */
 281:   check = depmeterdisplayed;
 282:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
 283:   if(fract != 0.0){
 284:     depmeterdisplayed = DEPMETERDISPLAYED;
 285:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"meters displayed must be a whole number.");
 286:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 287:     return 1;
 288:   }
 289:   if(depmeterdisplayed < 1.0){
 290:     depmeterdisplayed = DEPMETERDISPLAYED;
 291:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"meters displayed must be greater than or equal to 1.0."); 
 292:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
 293:     return 1;
 294:   }
 296:   str = XmTextGetString(textDepthTic); 
 297:   deptic = atof(str);
 298:   XtFree(str);
 301:   /* check that the depth tic is a whole number and divides evenly into number
 302:      of meters displayed
 303:   */
 304:   check = deptic;
 305:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
 306:   if(fract != 0.0){
 307:     deptic = DEPTIC;
 308:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the depth tic must be a whole number.");
 309:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 310:     return 1;
 311:   }
 312:   check = depmeterdisplayed/deptic;
 313:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
 314:   if(fract != 0.0){
 315:     deptic = DEPTIC;
 316:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the depth tic interval must divide evenly into number of meters displyed");
 317:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 318:     return 1;
 319:   }
 321:   str = XmTextGetString(textVarAxisLen); 
 322:   varaxislen = atoi(str);
 323:   XtFree(str);
 325:   /* check that the var axis length has some length
 326:   */
 327:   if(varaxislen < 10){
 328:     varaxislen = VAR_AXIS_LEN;
 329:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the variable axis pixel length is unreasonably small.");
 330:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 331:     return 1;
 332:   }
 334:   str = XmTextGetString(textVarMin); 
 335:   minvar = atof(str);
 336:   XtFree(str);
 338:   str = XmTextGetString(textVarMax); 
 339:   maxvar = atof(str);
 340:   XtFree(str);
 342:   /* check that the max is greater than the min and the range is not 
 343:      approaching zero
 344:   */
 345:   if(maxvar < minvar){
 346:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the variable axis maximum is less than its minimum."); 
 347:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 348:     return 1; 
 349:   }
 350:   if(have_data == DO){
 351:     if(maxvar == minvar){
 352:       (void)sprintf(buffer,"the variable axis minimum equals its maximum."); 
 353:       SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 354:       return 1;  
 355:     }
 356:     if(fabs(maxvar - minvar) < 0.001){
 357:       (void)sprintf(buffer,"the variable axis range is unreasonably small."); 
 358:       SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 359:       return 1; 
 360:     }
 361:   }
 363:   if(have_data == DO) {
 364:     data[ds]->min = minvar;
 365:     data[ds]->max = maxvar;
 366:   }
 368:      /* check that the var axis length and var display range relative to
 369:         real var range is reasonable. just warn;  
 371:      if((varaxislen/(maxvar - minvar) * (realmaxvar - realminvar) - varaxislen) > 200) {
 372:        (void)sprintf(buffer,"the variable axis display range is much smaller than real range.");
 373:        SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 374:      }
 375:     */
 377:   str = XmTextGetString(textScaleMult); 
 378:   check = atof(str);
 379:   XtFree(str);
 381:   /* check that slider scale is a whole number greater than or equal to one
 382:   */
 383:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
 384:   if(fract != 0.0){
 385:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the scroll increment must be a whole number.");
 386:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 387:     return 1;
 388:   }
 389:   scale_mult = check;
 390:   if(scale_mult < 1){
 391:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"the scroll increment must be greater than or equal to 1.0."); 
 392:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
 393:     return 1; 
 394:   }
 396:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNscaleMultiple, scale_mult, NULL);
 397:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaViewScale, XmNscaleMultiple, scale_mult, NULL);
 399:   if(XmToggleButtonGetState(toggleButtonPlotUnsmooth) == True){
 400:     smooth.plot = UNSMOOTHED;
 401:   }
 402:   else if(XmToggleButtonGetState(toggleButtonPlotSmooth) == True){
 403:     smooth.plot = SMOOTHED; 
 404:   }
 405:   else if(XmToggleButtonGetState(toggleButtonPlotBoth) == True){
 406:     smooth.plot = SMOOTHEDBOTH; 
 407:   }
 409:   return 0;
 410: }
 413: void AxisDep(w, dpy, wid, gc, maxmeter, top_off, left, ticpixlen, depinc, unitinc, depscalepix, annot, label)
 414: Widget w;
 415: Display *dpy;
 416: Window wid;
 417: GC gc;
 418: int top_off, left, ticpixlen, annot, label;
 419: float unitinc, depscalepix, depinc, maxmeter;
 420: {
 421:   int yoff, laboff, chk;
 422:   char s[50];
 423:   Dimension win_height;
 425:   /* get the height and width of the drawing area
 426:   */
 427:   XtVaGetValues(w, XmNheight, &win_height, NULL);
 429:   /* label the axis
 430:   */
 431:   if(label > 0){
 432:     if(label == MBSF) {
 433:       (void)sprintf(s,"mbsf");
 434:     }
 435:     else if(label == MCD) {
 436:       (void)sprintf(s,"mcd");
 437:     }
 438:     else {
 439:       (void)sprintf(s,"m");
 440:     }
 441:     XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, 8, OFF + 30, s, (int)strlen(s));
 442:   }
 444:   yoff = top_off;
 445:   /* draw the depth axis and tic it
 446:   */
 447:   if(left > 0) {
 448:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, yoff + left);
 449:     yoff = yoff + left;
 450:   }
 451:   laboff=YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF;
 452:   if(unitinc >= 10.0 && unitinc < 100.0) {
 453:     laboff = YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 5;
 454:   }
 455:   else if(unitinc >= 100.0) {
 456:     laboff=YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 9;
 457:   }
 458:   XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF-4, yoff);
 459:   (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f",unitinc);
 460:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF-laboff, yoff+2, s, (int)strlen(s));
 461:   chk = 1;
 463:   while(yoff+ticpixlen <= (int)win_height && unitinc < maxmeter){
 464:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, yoff+ticpixlen);
 465:     yoff = yoff + ticpixlen;
 466:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF-4, yoff);
 467:     unitinc = unitinc + depinc;
 468:     if(unitinc >= 10.0 && unitinc < 100.0) {
 469:       laboff = YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 5;
 470:     }
 471:     else if(unitinc >= 100.0) {
 472:       laboff=YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 9;
 473:     }
 474:     if(chk == annot){
 475:       (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f",unitinc);
 476:       XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF-laboff, yoff, s, (int)strlen(s));
 477:       chk = 1;
 478:     }
 479:     else {
 480:       ++chk;
 481:     }
 482:   }
 483:   if(yoff < (int)win_height && unitinc < maxmeter) {
 484:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, win_height);
 485:   }
 487:   (void)sprintf(s, "");
 488: } 
 490: void AxisVar()
 491: {
 492: }
 494: int XAxisDepthCorrSetup(lead, dt, len, tic, ntic, perpix, max)
 495: int    lead;
 496: float  dt;
 497: int    *len;
 498: float  *tic;
 499: int    *ntic;
 500: float  *perpix;
 501: float  *max;
 502: {
 503:   double fract, check, ip;
 505:   check = *len;
 506:   if(lead * dt  <= 1){
 507:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
 508:     if(fract == 0.0){
 509:     }
 510:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 511:       *len = ip * 5.0;
 512:     }
 513:     else {
 514:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
 515:     }
 516:     *tic=0.2;
 517:     *ntic=10;
 518:     *perpix=1.0/(*len);
 519:     *max=1.0;
 520:   }
 521:   else if(lead * dt <= 2){
 522:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
 523:     if(fract == 0.0){
 524:     }
 525:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 526:       *len = ip * 4.0;
 527:     }
 528:     else {
 529:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
 530:     }
 531:     *tic=0.5;
 532:     *ntic=8;
 533:     *perpix=2.0/(*len);
 534:     *max=2.0;
 535:   }
 536:   else if(lead * dt <= 3){
 537:     fract = modf((check/6.0), &ip);
 538:     if(fract == 0.0){
 539:     }
 540:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 541:       *len = ip * 6.0;
 542:     }
 543:     else {
 544:       *len = (ip * 6.0) + 6.0;
 545:     }
 546:     *tic=0.5;
 547:     *ntic=12;
 548:     *perpix=3.0/(*len);
 549:     *max=3.0;
 550:   }
 551:   else if(lead * dt <= 4){
 552:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
 553:     if(fract == 0.0){
 554:     }
 555:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 556:       *len = ip * 4.0;
 557:     }
 558:     else {
 559:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
 560:     }
 561:     *tic=1.0;
 562:     *ntic=8;
 563:     *perpix=4.0/(*len);
 564:     *max=4.0;
 565:   }
 566:   else if(lead *dt <= 5){
 567:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
 568:     if(fract == 0.0){
 569:     }
 570:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 571:       *len = ip * 5.0;
 572:     }
 573:     else {
 574:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
 575:     }
 576:     *tic=1.0;
 577:     *ntic=10;
 578:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
 579:     *max=5.0;
 580:   }
 581:   else if(lead * dt <= 6){
 582:     fract = modf((check/6.0), &ip);
 583:     if(fract == 0.0){
 584:     }
 585:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 586:       *len = ip * 6.0;
 587:     }
 588:     else {
 589:       *len = (ip * 6.0) + 6.0;
 590:     }
 591:     *tic=1.0;
 592:     *ntic=12;
 593:     *perpix=6.0/(*len);
 594:     *max=6.0;
 595:   }
 596:   else if(lead * dt <= 7){
 597:     fract = modf((check/7.0), &ip);
 598:     if(fract == 0.0){
 599:     }
 600:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 601:       *len = ip * 7.0;
 602:     }
 603:     else {
 604:       *len = (ip * 7.0) + 7.0;
 605:     }
 606:     *tic=1.0;
 607:     *ntic=14;
 608:     *perpix=7.0/(*len);
 609:     *max=7.0;
 610:   }
 611:   else if(lead * dt <= 8){
 612:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
 613:     if(fract == 0.0){
 614:     }
 615:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 616:       *len = ip * 4.0;
 617:     }
 618:     else {
 619:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
 620:     }
 621:     *tic=2.0;
 622:     *ntic=8;
 623:     *perpix=8.0/(*len);
 624:     *max=8.0;
 625:   }
 626:   else if(lead * dt <= 10){
 627:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
 628:     if(fract == 0.0){
 629:     }
 630:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 631:       *len = ip * 5.0;
 632:     }
 633:     else {
 634:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
 635:     }
 636:     *tic=2.0;
 637:     *ntic=10;
 638:     *perpix=10.0/(*len);
 639:     *max=10.0;
 640:   }
 641:   else if(lead * dt <= 15){
 642:     fract = modf((check/3.0), &ip);
 643:     if(fract == 0.0){
 644:     }
 645:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 646:       *len = ip * 3.0;
 647:     }
 648:     else {
 649:       *len = (ip * 3.0) + 3.0;
 650:     }
 651:     *tic=5.0;
 652:     *ntic=6;
 653:     *perpix=10.0/(*len);
 654:     *max=10.0;
 655:   }
 656:   else if(lead * dt <= 20){
 657:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
 658:     if(fract == 0.0){
 659:     }
 660:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 661:       *len = ip * 4.0;
 662:     }
 663:     else {
 664:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
 665:     }
 666:     *tic=5.0;
 667:     *ntic=8;
 668:     *perpix=10.0/(*len);
 669:     *max=10.0;
 670:   }
 671:   else if(lead * dt <= 25){
 672:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
 673:     if(fract == 0.0){
 674:     }
 675:     else if(fract < 0.5){
 676:       *len = ip * 5.0;
 677:     }
 678:     else {
 679:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
 680:     }
 681:     *tic=5.0;
 682:     *ntic=10;
 683:     *perpix=10.0/(*len);
 684:     *max=10.0;
 685:   }
 686:   else {
 687:     return 1;
 688:   }
 690:   return 0;
 691: }
 693: void AxisCorr(dpy, xid, gc, lagtic, nlagtic, maxlag, ylen, xlen, place)
 694: Display *dpy;
 695: Window xid;
 696: GC gc;
 697: int nlagtic, ylen, xlen, place;
 698: float lagtic, maxlag;
 699: {
 700:   int i, m, xoff, yoff, inc;
 701:   char s[50];
 702:   float corr;
 704:   /* draw and label the lead,lag axis and tic it
 705:   */
 706:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, SPACE, SPACE/2, "lag from tie", 12);
 707:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, xlen + SPACE - 5, SPACE/2, "tie", 3);
 708:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, (xlen * 2) + SPACE - 70, SPACE/2, "lead from tie", 13);
 710:   m = SPACE;
 711:   yoff = (ylen/2) + SPACE;
 712:   XDrawLine(dpy, xid, gc, m, yoff, m + (xlen * 2), yoff);
 713:   if(place == 2) {
 714:     (void)sprintf(s,"%.2f",-1*maxlag);
 715:   }
 716:   else {
 717:     (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f",-1*maxlag);
 718:   }
 719:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, m-5, yoff+15, s, (int)strlen(s));
 720:   inc = (xlen * 2)/nlagtic;
 721:   for(i=0; i <= nlagtic; ++i){
 722:     XDrawLine(dpy, xid, gc, m, yoff-3, m, yoff+3);
 723:     m = m + inc;
 724:   }  
 725:   if(place == 2) {
 726:     (void)sprintf(s,"%.2f", maxlag);
 727:   }
 728:   else {
 729:     (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f", maxlag);
 730:   }
 731:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, m-5-inc, yoff+15, s, (int)strlen(s));
 733:   /* draw and label the corr coef axis
 734:   */
 735:   m = SPACE;
 736:   corr = 1.0;
 737:   xoff = SPACE + xlen;
 738:   XDrawLine(dpy, xid, gc, xoff, m, xoff, ylen + SPACE);
 739:   (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f",corr);
 740:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, xoff+10, m+3, s, (int)strlen(s));
 741:   inc = ylen/10;
 742:   for(i=0; i <= 10; ++i){
 743:     XDrawLine(dpy, xid, gc, xoff-3, m, xoff+3, m);
 744:     m = m + inc;
 745:   }  
 746:   (void)sprintf(s,"%.1f",-1*corr);
 747:   XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, xoff+10, m+3-inc, s, (int)strlen(s));
 749:   (void)sprintf(s, "");
 750: }
 752: void AxisDepthOffset(w, dpy, wid, gc, maxmeter, top_off, left, ticpixlen, depinc, unitinc, depscalepix, annot)
 753: Widget w;
 754: Display *dpy;
 755: Window wid;
 756: GC gc;
 757: int top_off, left, ticpixlen, annot;
 758: float unitinc, depscalepix, depinc, maxmeter;
 759: {
 760:   int xoff, laboff, inc, dinc;
 761:   char s[50];
 762:   Dimension win_width;
 764:   /* get the  width of the drawing area
 765:   */ 
 766:   XtVaGetValues(w, XmNwidth, &win_width, NULL);
 768:   /*label the axis
 769:   */
 770:   (void)sprintf(s,"Depth offset (m)");
 771:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF + 20, 20, s, (int)strlen(s));
 773:   inc = unitinc + .1;
 774:   dinc = depinc + .1;
 776:   /* draw the depth offset axis(x axis) and tic it
 777:   */
 778:   xoff = OFF;
 779:   laboff= 0;
 780:   XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, OFF, xoff, OFF - 4);
 781:   (void)sprintf(s,"%d",inc);
 782:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, xoff - laboff, OFF - 10, "0", 1);
 784:   while(xoff + ticpixlen <= (int)win_width && unitinc < maxmeter){
 785:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, OFF, xoff + ticpixlen, OFF);
 786:     xoff = xoff + ticpixlen;
 787:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, OFF, xoff, OFF - 4);
 788:     inc = inc + dinc;
 789:     if(inc >= 10 && inc < 100){
 790:       laboff = 3;
 791:     }
 792:     else if(unitinc >= 100.0) {
 793:       laboff= 5;
 794:     }
 795:     (void)sprintf(s,"%d",inc);
 796:     XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, xoff - laboff, OFF - 10, s, (int)strlen(s));
 797:   }
 799:   (void)sprintf(s, "");
 800: }
 802: void AxisAge(w, dpy, wid, gc, maxage, top_off, left, ticpixlen, ageinc, unitinc, ageperpix, annot)
 803: Widget w;
 804: Display *dpy;
 805: Window wid;
 806: GC gc;
 807: int top_off, ticpixlen, annot, left;
 808: float unitinc, ageperpix, ageinc, maxage;
 809: {
 810:   int xoff, laboff, inc, dinc, max;
 811:   char s[50]; 
 812:   Dimension win_width;
 814:   /* get the  width of the drawing area
 815:   */ 
 816:   XtVaGetValues(w, XmNwidth, &win_width, NULL);
 818:   /*label the axis
 819:   */
 820:   (void)sprintf(s,"Age(Ma)");
 821:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF + 20, 20, s, (int)strlen(s));
 823:   inc = unitinc + .1;
 824:   dinc = ageinc + .1;
 825:   max = maxage + .1;
 827:   xoff = top_off;
 829:   /* if axis does not start at first tic draw up to first tic
 830:   */
 831:   if(left > 0) {
 832:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth, xoff + left, top_off_agedepth_depth);
 833:     xoff = xoff + left;
 834:   }
 836:   /* draw and label the first tic
 837:   */
 838:   laboff= 0;
 839:   XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, OFF, xoff, OFF - 4);
 840:   (void)sprintf(s,"%d",inc);
 841:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, xoff - laboff, top_off_agedepth_depth - 10, s, (int)strlen(s));
 843:   while(inc < max){
 844:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth, xoff + ticpixlen, top_off_agedepth_depth);
 845:     xoff = xoff + ticpixlen;
 846:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth - 4);
 847:     inc = inc + dinc;
 848:     if(inc >= 10 && inc < 100){
 849:       laboff = 3;
 850:     }
 851:     else if(inc >= 100.0) {
 852:       laboff= 5;
 853:     }
 854:     (void)sprintf(s,"%d",inc);
 855:     XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, xoff - laboff, top_off_agedepth_depth - 10, s, (int)strlen(s));
 856:   }
 857:   if(xoff < (int)win_width - top_off - SPACE - OFF && inc < max) {
 858:     ticpixlen = (int)win_width - top_off - SPACE - xoff;
 859:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth, xoff + ticpixlen, top_off_agedepth_depth);
 860:     xoff = xoff + ticpixlen;
 861:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth, xoff, top_off_agedepth_depth - 4);
 862:     laboff = 25;
 863:     unitinc = inc + (ticpixlen * ageperpix);
 864:     (void)sprintf(s,"%8.4f",unitinc);
 865:     XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, xoff - laboff, top_off_agedepth_depth - 10, s, (int)strlen(s));
 866:   }
 868:   (void)sprintf(s, "");
 869: }
 871: AxisSpliceAge(w, dpy, wid, gc, maxmeter, top_off, left, ticpixlen, depinc, unitinc, depscalepix, annot, label)
 872: Widget w;
 873: Display *dpy;
 874: Window wid;
 875: GC gc;
 876: int top_off, left, ticpixlen, annot, label;
 877: float unitinc, depscalepix, depinc, maxmeter;
 878: {
 879:   int yoff, laboff, chk;
 880:   char s[50];
 881:   Dimension win_height;
 883:   /* get the height and width of the drawing area
 884:   */
 885:   XtVaGetValues(w, XmNheight, &win_height, NULL);
 887:   if(label > 0){
 888:     (void)sprintf(s,"Ma");
 889:     XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, 8, OFF + 30, s, (int)strlen(s));
 890:   }
 892:   yoff = top_off;
 893:   /* draw the depth axis and tic it
 894:   */
 895:   if(left > 0) {
 896:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, yoff + left);
 897:     yoff = yoff + left;
 898:   }
 899:   laboff=YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 10;
 900:   if(unitinc >= 10.0) {
 901:     laboff = YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 15;
 902:   }
 903:   XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF-4, yoff);
 904:   (void)sprintf(s,"%.3f",unitinc);
 905:   XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF-laboff, yoff+2, s, (int)strlen(s));
 906:   chk = 1;
 908:   while(yoff+ticpixlen <= (int)win_height && unitinc < maxmeter){
 909:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, yoff+ticpixlen);
 910:     yoff = yoff + ticpixlen;
 911:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF-4, yoff);
 912:     unitinc = unitinc + depinc;
 913:     if(unitinc >= 10.0 && unitinc < 100.0) {
 914:       laboff = YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 5;
 915:     }
 916:     else if(unitinc >= 100.0) {
 917:       laboff=YAXIS_ANNOT_OFF + 9;
 918:     }
 919:     if(chk == annot){
 920:       (void)sprintf(s,"%.3f",unitinc);
 921:       XDrawString(dpy, wid, gc, OFF-laboff, yoff, s, (int)strlen(s));
 922:       chk = 1;
 923:     }
 924:     else {
 925:       ++chk;
 926:     }
 927:   }
 928:   if(yoff < (int)win_height && unitinc < maxmeter) {
 929:     XDrawLine(dpy, wid, gc, OFF, yoff, OFF, win_height);
 930:   }
 932:   (void)sprintf(s, "");
 933: }
 935: void MakeTheGCs(display)
 936: Display *display;
 937: {
 938:   int screen_num;
 939:   XFontStruct *font;
 941:   /* create the GC's for the drawing windows 
 942:   */
 943:   screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
 944:   gc_drawingAreaEdit = XCreateGC(display,
 945:                        RootWindow(display, screen_num),
 946:                        NULL, NULL);
 947:   gc_drawingAreaView = XCreateGC(display, 
 948:                        RootWindow(display, screen_num), 
 949:                        NULL, NULL);
 950:   gc_drawingAreaTieCorrelation = XCreateGC(display, 
 951:                                  RootWindow(display, screen_num), 
 952:                                  NULL, NULL);
 953:   gc_drawingAreaSpliceCorrelation = XCreateGC(display, 
 954:                                     RootWindow(display, screen_num), 
 955:                                     NULL, NULL);
 956:   gc_drawingAreaAgeDepth = XCreateGC(display,
 957:                                     RootWindow(display, screen_num),
 958:                                     NULL, NULL);
 959:   gc_drawingAreaDepthOffset = XCreateGC(display,
 960:                                     RootWindow(display, screen_num),
 961:                                     NULL, NULL);
 962:   gc_drawingAreaSpliceToAge = XCreateGC(display,
 963:                                     RootWindow(display, screen_num),
 964:                                     NULL, NULL);
 965:   gc_drawingAreaTieToTimeSeriesCorr = XCreateGC(display,
 966:                                     RootWindow(display, screen_num),
 967:                                     NULL, NULL);
 969:   /* and set their fonts
 970:   */
 971:   if(!(font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "-*-helvetica-*-r-*--12-*"))) {
 972:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "Query for composite and splice drawing area fonts failed.");
 973:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 974:   }  
 975:   else {
 976:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaEdit, font->fid);
 977:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaView, font->fid);
 978:   }
 979:   if(!(font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "-*-helvetica-*-r-*--10-*"))) {
 980:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "Query for correlation and depth offset drawing area fonts failed."); 
 981:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 982:   }  
 983:   else {
 984:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaTieCorrelation, font->fid);
 985:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaSpliceCorrelation, font->fid);
 986:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaDepthOffset, font->fid);
 987:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaAgeDepth, font->fid);
 988:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaSpliceToAge, font->fid);
 989:     XSetFont(display, gc_drawingAreaTieToTimeSeriesCorr, font->fid);
 990:   }
 991:   if(!(font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "-*-helvetica-*-r-*--8-*"))) {
 992:   }  
 993:   else {
 994:   }
 995: }
 997: void SetInitialColors(dpy)
 998: Display *dpy;
 999: {
1000:   XmString xmstring;
1001:   XColor return_color, unused;
1002:   Pixel pixwhite, pixblack;
1003:   int GetColorSet();
1005:   cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(drawingAreaEdit));
1007:   /* get black and white pixel values for backup incase have a
1008:      failed named color allocation
1009:   */
1010:   pixblack = BlackPixelOfScreen(XtScreen(drawingAreaEdit));
1011:   pixwhite = WhitePixelOfScreen(XtScreen(drawingAreaEdit));
1013:   /* get the colorset to use
1014:   */
1015:   GetColorSet();
1017:   /* set the background color for the four drawing areas 
1018:   */
1019:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[BG_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1020:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[BG_COLOR]); 
1021:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1022:     bgPixel = pixblack; 
1023:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("black");
1024:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1025:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1026:   }
1027:   else {
1028:     bgPixel = return_color.pixel;
1029:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[BG_COLOR]);
1030:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1031:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1032:   }
1033:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1034:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEdit, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL); 
1035:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaView, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1036:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaTieCorrelation, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1037:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaCompCorrelation, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1038:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaDepthOffset, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1039:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaAgeDepth, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1040:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaSpliceToAge, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1041:   XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaTieToTimeSeriesCorr, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1043:   /* set the border color of labels for cursor location and ties to 
1044:      the drawing areas background color
1045:   */
1046:   XtVaSetValues(labelCursorLocation, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1047:   XtVaSetValues(labelDepthOffsetCursorLocation, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1048:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceCursorLocation, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1049:   XtVaSetValues(labelAgeDepthCursorLocation, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1050:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceToAgeCursorLocation, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1051:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie1ID, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1052:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie2ID, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1053:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie1var, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1054:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie2var, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1055:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie1sbd, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1056:   XtVaSetValues(labelTie2sbd, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1057:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie1ID, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL); 
1058:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie2ID, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1059:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie1var, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL); 
1060:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie2var, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL); 
1061:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie1sbd, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL); 
1062:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceTie2sbd, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1063:   XtVaSetValues(labelSpliceDifferenceInValue, XmNborderColor, bgPixel, NULL);
1066:   /* set the row-column and label background color to drawing area color
1067:   */
1068:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorCompositeAndSplice, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1069:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorCorrelation, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1070:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorDepthOffset, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1071:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorDrawingAreas, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1072:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorAgeDepth, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1073:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorSpliceToAge, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1075:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1076:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1077:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoreRelated, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1078:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorembsf, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1079:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoremcd, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1080:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSmooth, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1081:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSplice, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1082:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSpliceLocation, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1083:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieRelated, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1084:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtFixed, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1085:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtShift, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1086:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieLine, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1087:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayInCorr, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1088:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1089:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorStrat, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1090:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorPaleomag, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1091:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDiatom, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1092:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorRad, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1093:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorForam, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1094:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorNanno, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1095:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorrCoef, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1096:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorBestCorr, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1097:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1098:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1099:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1100:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1101:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1102:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1103:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1104:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1105:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1106:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1107:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1108:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1109:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1110:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthLine, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1111:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSedRate, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1112:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTimeSeries, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1113:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDatumLocation, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
1115:   /* if no foreground and or background color were read on command line args
1116:      set the colors for hsplicer foreground and background to the drawing
1117:      args background and labels 
1118:   */
1119:   if(prgfg == NO || prgbg == NO) {
1120:     (void)sprintf(prgfgcolor, "");
1121:     (void)sprintf(prgfgcolor, color[LABEL_COLOR]);
1122:     (void)sprintf(prgbgcolor, "");
1123:     (void)sprintf(prgbgcolor, color[BG_COLOR]);
1124:   }
1126:   /* set all the foreground colors
1127:   */
1129:   /* the labels for all four drawing areas
1130:   */
1131:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[LABEL_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1132:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[LABEL_COLOR]);
1133:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1134:     fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1135:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1136:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1137:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1138:   }
1139:   else { 
1140:     fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1141:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[LABEL_COLOR]);
1142:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1143:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1144:   }
1145:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNbackground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1147:   /* set the row-column label foreground colors to the label color
1148:   */
1149:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL); 
1150:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1151:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoreRelated, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1152:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorembsf, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1153:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoremcd, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1154:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSmooth, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1155:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSplice, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1156:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSpliceLocation, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1157:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieRelated, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1158:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtFixed, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1159:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtShift, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1160:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieLine, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1161:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayInCorr, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1162:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1163:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorStrat, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1164:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorPaleomag, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1165:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDiatom, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1166:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorRad, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1167:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorForam, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1168:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorNanno, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1169:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorrCoef, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1170:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorBestCorr, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1171:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1172:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1173:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1174:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1175:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1176:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1177:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1178:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1179:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1180:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1181:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1182:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1183:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1184:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthLine, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1185:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSedRate, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1186:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTimeSeries, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1187:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDatumLocation, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
1189:   /* the original unadjusted ODP sb depth 
1190:   */
1191:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[MBSF_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1192:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[MBSF_COLOR]);
1193:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1194:     fgPixel[MBSF_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1195:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1196:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorembsf, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1197:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1198:   }
1199:   else {
1200:     fgPixel[MBSF_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1201:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[MBSF_COLOR]);
1202:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorembsf, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1203:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1204:   }
1205:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorembsf, XmNbackground, fgPixel[MBSF_COLOR], NULL);
1207:   /* the smoothed data
1208:   */
1209:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[SMOOTH_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1210:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[SMOOTH_COLOR]);
1211:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1212:     fgPixel[SMOOTH_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1213:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1214:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSmooth, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1215:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1216:   }
1217:   else {
1218:     fgPixel[SMOOTH_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1219:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[SMOOTH_COLOR]); 
1220:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSmooth, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1221:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1222:   }
1223:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSmooth, XmNbackground, fgPixel[SMOOTH_COLOR], NULL);
1225:   /* composite and splice tie lines
1226:   */
1227:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[TIELINE_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1228:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[TIELINE_COLOR]); 
1229:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1230:     fgPixel[TIELINE_COLOR] = pixwhite; 
1231:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1232:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTieLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1233:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1234:   } 
1235:   else {
1236:     fgPixel[TIELINE_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1237:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[TIELINE_COLOR]); 
1238:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTieLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1239:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1240:   }
1241:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTieLine, XmNbackground, fgPixel[TIELINE_COLOR], NULL);
1243:   /* the middle button tie point 1 (fixed; it stays put)
1244:      let this convention hold for splice as well
1245:   */
1246:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1247:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR]);
1248:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1249:     fgPixel[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1250:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1251:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtFixed, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1252:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1253:   }
1254:   else {
1255:     fgPixel[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1256:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR]); 
1257:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtFixed, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1258:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1259:   }
1260:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtFixed, XmNbackground, fgPixel[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR], NULL);
1262:   /* the right button tie point 2 (shift; it moves)
1263:      let this convention hold for splice as well
1264:   */
1265:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1266:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR]);
1267:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1268:     fgPixel[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1269:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1270:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtShift, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1271:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1272:   }
1273:   else {
1274:     fgPixel[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1275:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR]); 
1276:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtShift, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1277:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1278:   }
1279:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtShift, XmNbackground, fgPixel[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR], NULL);
1281:   /* the composite and splice core overlays 
1282:   */
1283:   /* part of core used in correlation
1284:   */
1285:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1286:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR]); 
1287:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1288:     fgPixel[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1289:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1290:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayInCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1291:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1292:   } 
1293:   else {
1294:     fgPixel[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1295:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR]); 
1296:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayInCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1297:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1298:   }
1299:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayInCorr, XmNbackground, fgPixel[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR], NULL);
1300:   /* part of core not used in correlation
1301:   */
1302:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1303:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR]);
1304:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1305:     fgPixel[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR]  = pixwhite;
1306:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1307:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1308:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1309:   } 
1310:   else {
1311:     fgPixel[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR]  = return_color.pixel;
1312:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR]); 
1313:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1314:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1315:   }
1316:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNbackground, fgPixel[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR], NULL);
1318:   /* the depth adjusted(shifted) core 
1319:   */
1320:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[MCD_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1321:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[MCD_COLOR]);
1322:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1323:     fgPixel[MCD_COLOR]  = pixwhite;
1324:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1325:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCoremcd, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1326:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1327:   }
1328:   else {
1329:     fgPixel[MCD_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1330:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[MCD_COLOR]); 
1331:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCoremcd, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1332:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1333:   }
1334:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCoremcd, XmNbackground, fgPixel[MCD_COLOR], NULL);
1337:   /* the splice composite 
1338:   */
1339:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[SPLICE_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1340:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[SPLICE_COLOR]);
1341:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1342:     fgPixel[SPLICE_COLOR]  = pixwhite;
1343:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1344:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSplice, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1345:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1346:   } 
1347:   else {
1348:     fgPixel[SPLICE_COLOR]  = return_color.pixel;
1349:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[SPLICE_COLOR]); 
1350:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSplice, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1351:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1352:   }
1353:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSplice, XmNbackground, fgPixel[SPLICE_COLOR], NULL);
1355:   /* the lines between spliced cores
1356:   */
1357:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1358:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR]);
1359:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1360:     fgPixel[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1361:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1362:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSpliceLocation, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1363:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1364:   }
1365:   else {
1366:     fgPixel[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1367:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR]); 
1368:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSpliceLocation, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1369:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1370:   }
1371:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSpliceLocation, XmNbackground, fgPixel[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR], NULL);
1373:   /* the composite and splice correlation coef
1374:   */
1375:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[CORRCOEF_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {  
1376:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[CORRCOEF_COLOR]); 
1377:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1378:     fgPixel[CORRCOEF_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1379:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1380:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorrCoef, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1381:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1382:   }  
1383:   else {
1384:     fgPixel[CORRCOEF_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1385:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR]); 
1386:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorrCoef, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1387:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1388:   }
1389:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorrCoef, XmNbackground, fgPixel[CORRCOEF_COLOR], NULL);
1391:   /* the line on axis indicating location of best corr. coef.
1392:   */
1393:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[BESTCORR_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1394:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[BESTCORR_COLOR]);   
1395:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1396:     fgPixel[BESTCORR_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1397:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1398:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorBestCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1399:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1400:   }  
1401:   else { 
1402:     fgPixel[BESTCORR_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1403:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[BESTCORR_COLOR]); 
1404:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorBestCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1405:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1406:   } 
1407:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorBestCorr, XmNbackground, fgPixel[BESTCORR_COLOR], NULL);
1409:   /* stratigraphy colors;
1410:   */
1411:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[PALEOMAG_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1412:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[PALEOMAG_COLOR]);
1413:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1414:     fgPixel[PALEOMAG_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1415:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1416:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorPaleomag, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1417:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1418:   }
1419:   else {
1420:     fgPixel[PALEOMAG_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1421:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR]); 
1422:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorPaleomag, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1423:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1424:   }
1425:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorPaleomag, XmNbackground, fgPixel[PALEOMAG_COLOR], NULL);
1427:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DIATOM_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1428:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color %s.",  color[DIATOM_COLOR]);
1429:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1430:     fgPixel[DIATOM_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1431:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1432:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDiatom, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1433:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1434:   }
1435:   else {
1436:     fgPixel[DIATOM_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1437:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DIATOM_COLOR]); 
1438:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDiatom, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1439:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1440:   }
1441:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDiatom, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DIATOM_COLOR], NULL);
1443:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[RAD_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1444:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[RAD_COLOR]); 
1445:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1446:     fgPixel[RAD_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1447:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1448:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorRad, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1449:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1450:   } 
1451:   else {
1452:     fgPixel[RAD_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1453:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[RAD_COLOR]); 
1454:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorRad, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1455:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1456:   }
1457:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorRad, XmNbackground, fgPixel[RAD_COLOR], NULL);
1459:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[FORAM_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1460:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[FORAM_COLOR]); 
1461:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1462:     fgPixel[FORAM_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1463:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1464:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorForam, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1465:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1466:   } 
1467:   else {
1468:     fgPixel[FORAM_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1469:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[FORAM_COLOR]); 
1470:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorForam, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1471:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1472:   }
1473:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorForam, XmNbackground, fgPixel[FORAM_COLOR], NULL);
1475:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[NANNO_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1476:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[NANNO_COLOR]); 
1477:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1478:     fgPixel[NANNO_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1479:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1480:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorNanno, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1481:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1482:   } 
1483:   else {
1484:     fgPixel[NANNO_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1485:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[NANNO_COLOR]); 
1486:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorNanno, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1487:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1488:   }
1489:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorNanno, XmNbackground, fgPixel[NANNO_COLOR], NULL);
1491:   /* view depth offset colors
1492:   */
1493:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1494:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR]);
1495:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1496:     fgPixel[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1497:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1498:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1499:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1500:   }
1501:   else {
1502:     fgPixel[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1503:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR]); 
1504:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1505:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1506:   }
1507:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR], NULL);
1509:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1510:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR]);
1511:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1512:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1513:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1514:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1515:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1516:   }
1517:   else { 
1518:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1519:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR]); 
1520:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
1521:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1522:   }
1523:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR], NULL);
1525:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1526:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR]); 
1527:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
1528:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR] = pixwhite; 
1529:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1530:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1531:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1532:   } 
1533:   else {  
1534:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1535:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR]);  
1536:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1537:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1538:   }
1539:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR], NULL);
1541:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1542:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR]); 
1543:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
1544:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR] = pixwhite; 
1545:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1546:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1547:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1548:   } 
1549:   else {  
1550:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1551:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR]);  
1552:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1553:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1554:   }
1555:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR], NULL);
1557:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1558:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR]); 
1559:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
1560:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR] = pixwhite; 
1561:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1562:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1563:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1564:   } 
1565:   else {  
1566:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1567:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR]);  
1568:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1569:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1570:   }
1571:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR], NULL);
1573:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) { 
1574:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR]); 
1575:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer); 
1576:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR] = pixwhite; 
1577:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1578:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1579:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1580:   } 
1581:   else {  
1582:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR] = return_color.pixel; 
1583:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR]);  
1584:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1585:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1586:   }
1587:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR], NULL);
1589:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1590:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR]);
1591:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1592:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1593:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1594:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1595:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1596:   }
1597:   else { 
1598:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1599:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR]);  
1600:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1601:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1602:   }
1603:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR], NULL);
1605:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1606:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR]);
1607:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1608:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1609:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1610:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1611:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1612:   }
1613:   else { 
1614:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1615:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR]);  
1616:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1617:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1618:   }
1619:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR], NULL);
1621:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1622:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR]);
1623:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1624:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1625:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1626:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1627:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1628:   }
1629:   else { 
1630:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1631:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR]);  
1632:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
1633:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1634:   }
1635:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR], NULL);
1637:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1638:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR]);
1639:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1640:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1641:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1642:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1643:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1644:   }
1645:   else { 
1646:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1647:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR]);   
1648:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);   
1649:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1650:   }
1651:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR], NULL);
1653:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1654:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR]);
1655:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1656:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1657:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1658:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1659:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1660:   }
1661:   else { 
1662:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1663:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR]);   
1664:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);   
1665:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1666:   }
1667:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR], NULL);
1669:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1670:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR]);
1671:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1672:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1673:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");  
1674:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1675:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1676:   }
1677:   else { 
1678:     fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1679:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR]);   
1680:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);   
1681:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1682:   }
1683:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR], NULL);
1685:   /* colors for the age depth
1686:   */
1687:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1688:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR]);
1689:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1690:     fgPixel[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1691:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1692:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1693:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1694:   }
1695:   else {
1696:     fgPixel[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1697:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR]);
1698:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1699:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1700:   }
1701:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNbackground, fgPixel[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], NULL);
1703:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1704:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR]);
1705:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1706:     fgPixel[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1707:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white"); 
1708:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1709:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1710:   }
1711:   else {
1712:     fgPixel[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1713:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR]);
1714:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1715:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1716:   }
1717:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthLine, XmNbackground, fgPixel[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], NULL);
1719:   /* set the colors for splice vs age
1720:   */
1721:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[SEDRATE_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1722:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[SEDRATE_COLOR]);
1723:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1724:     fgPixel[SEDRATE_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1725:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1726:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSedRate, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1727:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1728:   }
1729:   else {
1730:     fgPixel[SEDRATE_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1731:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[SEDRATE_COLOR]);
1732:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSedRate, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1733:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1734:   }
1735:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSedRate, XmNbackground, fgPixel[SEDRATE_COLOR], NULL);
1737:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1738:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[TIMESERIES_COLOR]);
1739:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1740:     fgPixel[TIMESERIES_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1741:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1742:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTimeSeries, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1743:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1744:   }
1745:   else {
1746:     fgPixel[TIMESERIES_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1747:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR]);
1748:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTimeSeries, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1749:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1750:   }
1751:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTimeSeries, XmNbackground, fgPixel[TIMESERIES_COLOR], NULL);
1753:   if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], &return_color, &unused)) {
1754:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "can not allocate named color.  %s", color[DATUMLOC_COLOR]);
1755:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1756:     fgPixel[DATUMLOC_COLOR] = pixwhite;
1757:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple("white");
1758:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDatumLocation, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1759:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1760:   }
1761:   else {
1762:     fgPixel[DATUMLOC_COLOR] = return_color.pixel;
1763:     xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR]);
1764:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDatumLocation, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
1765:     XmStringFree(xmstring);
1766:   }
1767:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDatumLocation, XmNbackground, fgPixel[DATUMLOC_COLOR], NULL);
1768: }
1771: int FindAveDepth(holenum, corenum, pavedt)
1772: int holenum, corenum;
1773: float *pavedt;
1774: {
1775:   int i, n, err, dum;
1776:   float sbd[MAXPERCORE], dat[MAXPERCORE];
1778:   /* calculate the average depth step for current
1779:      'tied' cores.
1780:      note that cum depth offset is irrelevant
1781:      and whether using smooth or not unimportant
1782:   */
1783:   *pavedt = 0.0;
1784:   n = 0;
1785:   if(data[dset]->holes[holenum]->core[corenum]->numvalues > 1){
1787:     /* clean core of bad values
1788:     */
1789:     dum = 0;
1790:     err = CleanUpCore(dset, holenum, corenum, &n, sbd, dat, NO, &dum);
1792:     if(n > 1) { 
1793:       for(i=0; i<n-1; ++i){
1794:         *pavedt = *pavedt + sbd[i+1] - sbd[i];
1795:       }
1796:       *pavedt = *pavedt/n;
1797:     }   
1798:     else {
1799:       (void)sprintf(buffer, "Warning; can not calculate average depth in hole %c core %d. using 0.05m.",
1800:                               data[dset]->holes[holenum]->name, data[dset]->holes[holenum]->core[corenum]->num);
1801:       SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1802:       *pavedt = 0.05;
1803:       return 1;
1804:     }
1805:   }
1806:   else { 
1807:     (void)sprintf(buffer, "Warning; hole %c core %d has less than 2 points!", 
1808:                             data[dset]->holes[holenum]->name, data[dset]->holes[holenum]->core[corenum]->num);
1809:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1810:     return 2;
1811:   }
1813:   return 0;
1814: }
1817: /* correlation function. note that in this function
1818:    x is core 1 and y is core 2 
1819: */
1820: int Correlate(nx,ny,offx,offy,x,y,pcoef,pn)
1821: int nx, ny, offx, offy, *pn;
1822: float x[MAXPERCORE], y[MAXPERCORE], *pcoef;
1823: {
1824:   int j;
1825:   float sumx, sumy, sumxy, sumxsq, sumysq, stdevx, stdevy;
1828:   *pn=0;
1829:   sumx=0.0;
1830:   sumy=0.0;
1831:   sumxy=0.0;
1832:   sumxsq=0.0;
1833:   sumysq=0.0;
1835:   /* sum up  
1836:   */
1837:   for(j=0; j<ny; ++j){
1838:     if(j+offx+offy < 0 || j+offx+offy >= nx){
1839:     }
1840:     else if(x[j+offx+offy] == -9999.0 || y[j+offy] == -9999.0){
1841:     }
1842:     else {
1843:       ++*pn;
1844:       sumx=sumx+x[j+offx+offy];
1845:       sumy=sumy+y[j+offy];
1846:       sumxy=sumxy+x[j+offx+offy]*y[j+offy];
1847:       sumxsq=sumxsq+x[j+offx+offy]*x[j+offx+offy];
1848:       sumysq=sumysq+y[j+offy]*y[j+offy];
1849:     }
1850:   }
1852:   /* calculate the standard deviation and
1853:      the correlation coeficiant
1854:   */
1855:   if(*pn > 1){
1856:     stdevx=((*pn)*sumxsq)-(sumx*sumx);
1857:     stdevy=((*pn)*sumysq)-(sumy*sumy);
1858:     if(stdevx <= 0 || stdevy <= 0){
1859:       *pcoef=0.0;
1860:       *pn=0;
1861:     }
1862:     else {
1863:       stdevx=sqrt(stdevx);
1864:       stdevy=sqrt(stdevy);
1865:       *pcoef=(((*pn)*sumxy)-(sumx*sumy))/(stdevx*stdevy);
1866:     }
1867:   }
1868:   else {
1869:     *pcoef=0.0;
1870:     *pn=0;
1871:   }
1872:   return 0;
1873: }
1876: /* repick depth at constant depth step
1877: */
1878: int RepickDepth(pdep,pvar,pn,ptie,dt)
1879: int *pn, *ptie;
1880: float *pdep, *pvar, dt;
1881: {
1882:   int i, n, k, kt, lastk, lastn;
1883:   float dep[MAXPERCORE], var[MAXPERCORE];
1885:   /* repick from tie point backwards to first sample
1886:   */
1887:   n=(pdep[*ptie]-pdep[0])/dt+1;
1888:   if(n > MAXPERCORE){
1889:     return 1;
1890:   }
1891:   dep[n-1]=pdep[*ptie];
1892:   for(i=n-2; i>=0;--i){
1893:     dep[i]=dep[i+1]-dt;
1894:   }
1895:   k=*ptie;
1896:   kt=n-1;
1897:   while(kt >= 0){
1898:     if((k-1) < 0 && dep[kt] <= pdep[0]){
1899:       var[kt]=(pvar[1]-pvar[0])/
1900:                 (pdep[1]-pdep[0])*
1901:                 (dep[kt]-pdep[0])+pvar[0];
1902:       --kt;
1903:     }
1904:     else if(dep[kt] <= pdep[k] && 
1905:             dep[kt] >= pdep[k-1]){
1906:       var[kt]=(pvar[k]-pvar[k-1])/
1907:                 (pdep[k]-pdep[k-1])*
1908:                 (dep[kt]-pdep[k-1])+pvar[k-1];
1909:       --kt;
1910:     }
1911:     else if(dep[kt] < pdep[k] && (k-1) > 0){
1912:       --k;
1913:     }
1914:     else if(dep[kt] < pdep[0]){
1915:       var[kt]=(pvar[1]-pvar[0])/
1916:                 (pdep[1]-pdep[0])*
1917:                 (dep[kt]-pdep[0])+pvar[0];
1918:       --kt;
1919:     }
1920:   }
1922:   /* repick from tie point to last sample
1923:   */
1924:   lastk=*pn-1;
1925:   lastn=(pdep[lastk]-pdep[*ptie])/dt+n;
1926:   if(lastn > MAXPERCORE){   
1927:     return 1;
1928:   } 
1929:   for(i=n;i<lastn;++i){
1930:     dep[i]=dep[i-1]+dt;
1931:   } 
1932:   k=*ptie;
1933:   kt=n;
1934:   while(kt < lastn){ 
1935:     if(k > lastk && dep[kt] >= pdep[lastk]){
1936:       var[kt]=(pvar[lastk]-pvar[lastk-1])/
1937:          (pdep[lastk]-pdep[lastk-1])*
1938:          (dep[kt]-pdep[lastk])+pvar[lastk];
1939:       ++kt;
1940:     }
1941:     else if(dep[kt] >= pdep[k-1] &&
1942:             dep[kt] <= pdep[k]){
1943:       var[kt]=(pvar[k]-pvar[k-1])/
1944:                 (pdep[k]-pdep[k-1])*
1945:                 (dep[kt]-pdep[k-1])+pvar[k-1];
1946:       ++kt;
1947:     } 
1948:     else if(dep[kt] > pdep[k] && (k+1) <= lastk){
1949:       ++k;
1950:     }    
1951:     else if(dep[kt] > pdep[lastk]){
1952:       var[kt]=(pvar[lastk]-pvar[lastk-1])/
1953:          (pdep[lastk]-pdep[lastk-1])*
1954:          (dep[kt]-pdep[lastk])+pvar[lastk];
1955:       ++kt;
1956:     }
1957:   }
1958:   *ptie=n-1;
1959:   *pn=lastn;
1960:   for(i=0; i<lastn; ++i){
1961:     pdep[i]=dep[i];
1962:     pvar[i]=var[i];
1963:   }
1965:   /* check that have no duplicate depths
1966:   */
1967:   for(i=1; i<lastn; ++i){
1968:     if(dep[i-1] == dep[i]){
1969:       (void)sprintf(buffer, "Repick; depths not in descending order at %.2f", dep[i]); 
1970:       SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1971:     }
1972:     else if(dep[i-1] > dep[i]){
1973:       (void)sprintf(buffer, "Repicking depth; depths not in descending order at %.2f", dep[i]);  
1974:       SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
1975:     }
1976:   }
1978:   return 0;
1979: }
1982: /* find min and max of current var for entire site.
1983:    convert these to nearest reasonable whole numbers.
1984:    and change them to +/- (PLUSMINUSSTD std from mean.
1985:    use this range to calculate the initial drawing
1986:    scale to use.
1987:    this would be (max-min)/VAR_AXIS_LEN
1988:    also find the maximum depth; minimum always 0.
1989: */
1990: int FindMinMax(ds)
1991: int ds;
1992: {
1993:   int i, j, k, sm, err, dum, coren, nstd;
1994:   float *phold, coredep[MAXPERCORE], corevar[MAXPERCORE];
1995:   double std, mean, sumstd, summean;
1997:   if(data[ds]->numholes < 1) {
1998:     return(0);
1999:   }
2001:   if(smooth.method == NONE) {
2002:     sm = NO;
2003:   }
2004:   else if((smooth.method == GAUSSIAN || smooth.method == OTHER) &&
2005:           (smooth.plot == UNSMOOTHED || smooth.plot == SMOOTHEDBOTH)){ 
2006:     sm = NO;
2007:   }  
2008:   else if((smooth.method == GAUSSIAN || smooth.method == OTHER) &&
2009:            smooth.plot == SMOOTHED){
2010:     sm = YES;
2011:   }
2013:   minvar = 9999.0;
2014:   maxvar = -9999.0;
2015:   maxdep = -9999.0;
2016:   summean = 0.0;
2017:   mean = 0.0;
2018:   sumstd = 0.0;
2019:   std = 0.0;
2020:   nstd = 0;
2022:   for(i=0; i<data[ds]->numholes; ++i) {
2023:     if(data[ds]->holes[i]->numcores < 1) {
2024:     }
2025:     else {
2026:       for(j=0; j<data[ds]->holes[i]->numcores; ++j) {
2027:         if(data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->numvalues < 1) {
2028:         }
2029:         else {
2030:           for(k=0; k<data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->numvalues; ++k) {
2032:             if(sm == NO &&
2033:                (data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->quality) == GOOD){
2034:               phold = data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->data;
2035:               if(*phold > maxvar) {
2036:                 maxvar = *phold;
2037:               }  
2038:               else if(*phold < minvar) {
2039:                 minvar = *phold;
2040:               }
2041:             }
2042:             else if(sm == YES &&
2043:                     data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->smooth_ok >= SMOK){
2044:               if(data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sm_data > maxvar) {
2045:                 maxvar = data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sm_data;  
2046:               }  
2047:               else if(data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sm_data < minvar) { 
2048:                 minvar = data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sm_data;
2049:               }
2050:             }
2051:             else {
2052:             }
2053:           }
2055:           dum = 0;
2056:           err = CleanUpCore(ds, i, j, &coren, coredep, corevar, NO, &dum);
2057:           err = StdDev(corevar, coren, 0, coren, &std, &mean);
2058:           sumstd = sumstd + std;
2059:           summean = summean + mean;
2060:           ++nstd;
2061:         }
2062:       }  
2063:     }  
2064:     j = data[ds]->holes[i]->numcores - 1;
2065:     k = data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->numvalues - 1;
2066:     if(data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sb_depth > maxdep){
2067:       maxdep = data[ds]->holes[i]->core[j]->value[k]->sb_depth;
2068:     }
2069:   }
2071:   if(minvar == 9999.0 || maxvar == -9999.0) {
2072:     return 1;
2073:   }
2074:   else {
2075:     realminvar = minvar;
2076:     realmaxvar = maxvar;
2078:     if(nstd > 0 && err == 0) {
2079:       std = sumstd/nstd;
2080:       mean = summean/nstd;
2081:       minvar = mean - (PLUSMINUSSTD * std);
2082:       maxvar = mean + (PLUSMINUSSTD * std);
2083:     }
2084:     else {
2085:       return 1;
2086:     }
2087:   }
2089:   return 0;
2090: }
2092: /* clean up one cores depth and var
2093:    for either plotting or correlation.
2094:    find and average mult samples per level,
2095:    remove bad values,
2096:    chack that samples in desending order,
2097:    Add the cummulative depth offset to sbd.
2098:    (future) deal with gaps in data.
2099: */
2100: int CleanUpCore(s, hnum, cnum, pn, psbd, pdata, sm, pt)
2101: int s, hnum, cnum, *pn, sm, *pt;
2102: float *pdata, *psbd;
2103: {
2104:   int j, k, n, ndiv, tie;
2105:   float sum, savetiedep;
2107:   /*look for and trash any bad data by not storing
2108:     them in the pointers pdata and psbd
2109:     if have sent a core for  correlation and remove
2110:     a sample, change the tie(if needed).
2111:   */
2113:   n = 0;
2114:   tie = *pt;
2115:   for(j=0; j<data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->numvalues; ++j) {
2116:     if(sm == NO && data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->quality == GOOD){
2117:       pdata[n] = *data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->data;
2118:       psbd[n] = data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sb_depth;
2119:       ++n;
2120:     }
2121:     else if(sm == YES && data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->smooth_ok >= SMOK){
2122:       pdata[n] = data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sm_data;
2123:       psbd[n] = data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sb_depth;
2124:       ++n;
2125:     }
2126:     else if(tie > 0 && n < tie){
2127:       --tie;
2128:     }
2129:   }
2130:   *pn = n;
2132:   /* check that there are at least two data points in
2133:      this core
2134:   */
2135:   if(n < 2) {
2136:     return 1;
2137:   }
2139:   /* check that data is in order
2140:   */
2141:   for(j=1; j<n; ++j) {
2142:     if(psbd[j] < psbd[j-1]) {
2143:       return 2;
2144:     }
2145:   }
2147:   /* look for mult samples per level and average any found
2148:      can now use the pointers pdata and psbd rather than
2149:      the global structs
2150:      the var will either be unsmoothed or smoothed
2151:      depending on value of sm = NO/YES.
2152:      if are correlating and find mult samples, adjust
2153:      tie(if needed)
2154:   */
2155:   sum = pdata[0];
2156:   ndiv = 1;
2157:   savetiedep = psbd[tie];
2158:   k = 0;
2159:   for(j=1; j<n; ++j){
2160:     if(psbd[j] == psbd[j-1] &&
2161:                    j < n-1){
2162:       sum = sum + pdata[j];
2163:       ++ndiv;
2164:     }
2165:     else if(psbd[j] == psbd[j-1] && j == n-1){
2166:       sum = sum + pdata[j];
2167:       ++ndiv;
2168:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2169:       pdata[k] =  sum/ndiv;
2170:       ++k;
2171:       --tie;
2172:     }  
2173:     else if(psbd[j] != psbd[j-1] && j < n-1){
2174:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2175:       pdata[k] = sum/ndiv;
2176:       sum = pdata[j];
2177:       ndiv=1;
2178:       ++k;
2179:     }  
2180:     else if(psbd[j] != psbd[j-1] && j == n-1){
2181:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2182:       pdata[k] = sum/ndiv;
2183:       ++k;
2184:       psbd[k] = psbd[j];
2185:       pdata[k] = pdata[j];
2186:       ++k;
2187:     }  
2188:     else {
2189:     }  
2190:   }
2191:   *pn = k;
2192:   *pt = tie;
2194:   for(j=0; j<k; ++j) {
2195:     if(fabs(savetiedep - psbd[j]) < 0.0001) {
2196:       tie = j;
2197:     }
2198:   }
2199:   *pt = tie;
2201:   /* check again that there are at least two data points in
2202:      this core
2203:   */
2204:   if(k < 2) {
2205:     return 1;
2206:   }
2209:   /* check if somehow screwed up the tie. HOW?
2210:      but how do i know if i have tie 1 or 2?
2211:         pdata[tie] should = textTie?sbd
2212:   */
2214:   /*add the cummulative depth offset to the sbd.
2215:     note that the temp shift(overlay) offset will
2216:     be done in the drawing functions
2217:   */ 
2218:   n = *pn;
2219:   for(j=0; j<n; ++j) {
2220:     psbd[j] = psbd[j] + data[s]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->cum_dep_offset;
2221:   }
2223:   /*check to see if there are any 'user defined' gaps in 
2224:     this core.
2225:     then do what??  code them somehow??
2226:   */
2228:   return 0;
2229: }
2232: /* clean up core being added to splice composite
2233:    by; 
2234:    finding and averaging mult samples per level,
2235:    remove bad values,
2236:    chack that samples in desending order,
2237:    Add the Depthoffset to sbd.
2238:    (future) deal with gaps in data.
2239: */
2240: int CleanUpSpliceCore(hnum, cnum, pn, psbd, pdata, sm, spcornum, spstart, pmap)
2241: int hnum, cnum, *pn, sm, spcornum, spstart, *pmap;
2242: float *pdata, *psbd;
2243: {
2244:   int j, k, n, ndiv;
2245:   float sum;
2247:   /*look for and trash any bad data by not storing
2248:     them in the pointers pdata and psbd
2249:     start at the tie array location
2250:   */
2251:   n = 0;
2252:   for(j=spstart; j<data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->numvalues; ++j) {
2253:     if(sm == NO && data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->quality == GOOD){
2254:       pdata[n] = *data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->data;
2255:       pmap[n] = j;
2256:       psbd[n] = data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sb_depth;
2257:       ++n;
2258:     }  
2259:     else if(sm == YES && data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->smooth_ok >= SMOK){
2260:       pdata[n] = data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sm_data;
2261:       pmap[n] = j;
2262:       psbd[n] = data[dset]->holes[hnum]->core[cnum]->value[j]->sb_depth;
2263:       ++n;
2264:     }
2265:   }
2266:   *pn = n;
2268:   /* check that there are at least two data points in
2269:      this core
2270:   */
2271:   if(n < 2) {
2272:     return 1;
2273:   }
2274:   /* check that data is in order
2275:   */
2276:   for(j=1; j<n; ++j) {
2277:     if(psbd[j] < psbd[j-1]) {
2278:       return 1;
2279:     }
2280:   }
2282:   /* look for mult samples per level and average any found
2283:      can now use the pointers pdata and psbd rather than
2284:      the global structs
2285:      the var will either be unsmoothed or smoothed
2286:      depending on value of sm = NO/YES.
2287:   */
2288:   sum = pdata[0];
2289:   ndiv = 1;
2290:   k = 0;
2291:   for(j=1; j<n; ++j){
2292:     if(psbd[j] == psbd[j-1] && j < n-1){
2293:       sum = sum + pdata[j];
2294:       ++ndiv;
2295:     }
2296:     else if(psbd[j] == psbd[j-1] && j == n-1){
2297:       sum = sum + pdata[j];
2298:       ++ndiv;
2299:       pmap[k] = pmap[j-1];
2300:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2301:       pdata[k] =  sum/ndiv;
2302:       ++k;
2303:     }
2304:     else if(psbd[j] != psbd[j-1] && j < n-1){
2305:       pmap[k] = pmap[j-1];
2306:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2307:       pdata[k] = sum/ndiv;
2308:       sum = pdata[j];
2309:       ndiv=1;
2310:       ++k;
2311:     }
2312:     else if(psbd[j] != psbd[j-1] && j == n-1){
2313:       pmap[k] = pmap[j-1];
2314:       psbd[k] = psbd[j-1];
2315:       pdata[k] = sum/ndiv;
2316:       ++k;
2317:       pmap[k] = pmap[j];
2318:       psbd[k] = psbd[j];
2319:       pdata[k] = pdata[j];
2320:       ++k;
2321:     }
2322:     else {
2323:     }
2324:   }
2325:   *pn = k;
2327:   /* check again that there are at least two data points in
2328:      this core
2329:   */
2330:   if(k < 2) {
2331:     return 1;
2332:   }
2334:   /*add the splice depth offset to the sbd.
2335:   */
2336:   n = *pn;
2337:   for(j=0; j<n; ++j) {
2338:     psbd[j] = psbd[j] + spcomp.Depthoffset[spcornum];
2339:   }
2341:   return 0;
2342: }
2344: /*how=1;  the lock toggle has been activated.
2345:           if it is on use the scale value of View slider
2346:           and change Edit silder and redraw Edit.
2347:   how=2;  the Edit slider has been changed. if the lock
2348:           toggle is on get the Edit slider scale value
2349:           and change the View slider scale value to Edit
2350:           and redraw View
2351:   how=3;  the View slider has been changed. if the lock
2352:           toggle is on get the View slider scale value
2353:           and change the Edit slider scale value to View
2354:           and redraw Edit
2355: */
2356: void DisplaySliderControl(how)
2357: int how;
2358: {
2359:   int scale_edit, scale_view;
2361:   /* if the scale lock option is on
2362:   */
2363:   if(XmToggleButtonGetState(toggleButtonLockSlider) == True) {
2365:     XmScaleGetValue(drawingAreaViewScale, &scale_view);
2366:     XmScaleGetValue(drawingAreaEditScale, &scale_edit);
2368:     /* if the top values of the two scales differ
2369:     */
2370:     if(scale_view != scale_edit) {
2372:       reason_for_redraw = DRAW_EVERYTHING;
2374:       /* lock toggle hit; 
2375:          make the top value of edit scale equal to view scale
2376:       */
2377:       if(how == 1){
2378:         XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNvalue, scale_view, NULL);
2379:         DrawDrawingAreaEdit(drawingAreaEdit, (XtPointer)NULL, (XtPointer)NULL);
2380:       }
2382:       /* edit scale has been changed or dragged; 
2383:          make the top value of view scale equal to edit scale
2384:       */
2385:       else if(how == 2){
2386:         XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaViewScale, XmNvalue, scale_edit, NULL);
2387:         DrawDrawingAreaView(drawingAreaView, (XtPointer)NULL, (XtPointer)NULL);
2388:       }
2390:       /* view scale has been changed or dragged;  
2391:          make the top value of edit scale equal to view scale 
2392:       */
2393:       else if(how == 3){
2394:         XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaEditScale, XmNvalue, scale_view, NULL);
2395:         DrawDrawingAreaEdit(drawingAreaEdit, (XtPointer)NULL, (XtPointer)NULL);
2396:       }
2397:     }
2398:   }  
2399: }
2401: int FindValueInCoreToSplice(ds, sm, depth, hole, core, parr, phow, pval, psmval)
2402: int ds, hole, core, *parr, *phow, sm;
2403: float depth, *pval, *psmval;
2404: {
2405:   int i, j;
2406:   float *pval1, *pval2, val1, val2, dep1,dep2;
2408:   /* search for a sample in core to splice at the same depth as splice tie.
2409:      if none is found, interpolate a value at splice tie depth
2410:   */
2411:   *parr = -1;
2412:   for(i=0; i<data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->numvalues; ++i) {
2413:     if(data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->quality != GOOD){
2414:     }
2415:     else if(fabs(data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->sb_depth +
2416:          data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->cum_dep_offset - depth) < ROUNDCHECK) {
2417:       *parr = i;
2418:       *phow = REAL;
2419:       pval1 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->data;
2420:       val1 = *pval1;
2421:       *pval = val1;
2422:       if(sm == YES && data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->smooth_ok >= SMOK) {
2423:         *psmval = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->sm_data;
2424:       }
2425:       else {
2426:         *psmval = *pval;
2427:       }
2428:       return 0;
2429:     }
2430:   }
2431:   if(*parr == -1 && data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->numvalues >= 2) {
2432:     i = 0;
2433:     j = 1;
2434:     while(j < data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->numvalues) {
2435:       if(data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->quality != GOOD) { 
2436:         ++i;
2437:         if(i == j) {
2438:           ++j;
2439:         }
2440:       }
2441:       else if(data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->quality != GOOD) { 
2442:         ++j;
2443:       }
2444:       else if(data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->sb_depth + 
2445:          data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->cum_dep_offset < depth    &&
2446:          data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->sb_depth + 
2447:          data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->cum_dep_offset > depth) {
2448:         *parr = j;
2449:         *phow = INTERPOLATED;
2450:         dep1 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->sb_depth +
2451:                data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->cum_dep_offset;
2452:         dep2 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->sb_depth +
2453:                data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->cum_dep_offset;
2454:         pval1 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->data;
2455:         pval2 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->data;
2456:         val1 = *pval1;
2457:         val2 = *pval2;
2458:         *pval = val1 + (val2 - val1) * (depth - dep1)/(dep2 - dep1);
2459:         if(sm == YES && 
2460:            data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->smooth_ok >= SMOK &&
2461:            data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->smooth_ok >= SMOK) {
2462:           val1 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[i]->sm_data;
2463:           val2 = data[ds]->holes[hole]->core[core]->value[j]->sm_data;
2464:           *psmval = val1 + (val2 - val1) * (depth - dep1)/(dep2 - dep1);
2465:         }
2466:         else {
2467:           *psmval = *pval;
2468:         }
2469:         return 0;
2470:       }
2471:       else {
2472:         ++i;
2473:         ++j;
2474:       }
2475:     }
2476:   }
2478:   return 1;
2479: }
2481: int StdDev(x, n, off, win, stddev, xmean)
2482: int n, off, win;
2483: float *x;
2484: double *stddev, *xmean;
2485: {
2486:   int i;
2487:   float sum, sumsq, nx;
2489:   if(win < 1 || off + win > n) {
2490:     return 1;
2491:   }
2493:   sum = 0.0;
2494:   sumsq = 0.0;
2496:   nx = 0.0;
2497:   for(i=off; i<off+win; ++i) {
2498:     sum = sum + x[i];
2499:     sumsq = sumsq + x[i] * x[i];
2500:     ++nx;
2501:   }
2503:   *xmean = sum/nx;
2505:   if(nx < 2.0) {
2506:     return 1;
2507:   }
2508:   else {
2509:     *stddev = (nx * sumsq - sum * sum)/(nx * (nx - 1));
2510:     if(*stddev < 0.0) {
2511:       *stddev = 0.0;
2512:     }
2513:     else {
2514:       *stddev = sqrt(*stddev);
2515:     }
2516:   }
2518:   return 0;
2519: }
2521: int SiteAveDepth()
2522: {
2523:   int i, j, n, err;
2524:   float avedep, sumavedep;
2526:   n = 0;
2527:   sumavedep = 0.0;
2528:   for(i=0; i<data[dset]->numholes; ++i) {
2529:     if(data[dset]->holes[i]->numcores < 1) {
2530:     }
2531:     else {
2532:       for(j=0; j<data[dset]->holes[i]->numcores; ++j) {
2533:         if(data[dset]->holes[i]->core[j]->numvalues < 1) {
2534:         }
2535:         else {
2537:           if(err = FindAveDepth(i, j, &avedep) == 0) {
2538:             sumavedep = sumavedep + avedep;
2539:             ++n;
2540:           }
2541:         }
2542:       }
2543:     }
2544:   }
2545:   if(n > 0 && sumavedep > 0.0) {
2546:     avedep = sumavedep/n;
2547:     average_depth_step = avedep * 100;
2548:   }
2549:   else {
2550:     average_depth_step = AVEDEPTHSTEP;
2551:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"Warning: could not calculate the average depth step for this data set.");
2552:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
2553:   }
2554: }
2556: void MakeClipMask(dpy, gc, x, y, width, height)
2557: Display *dpy;
2558: GC gc;
2559: short int x, y;
2560: unsigned short int width, height;
2561: {
2562:   Region r;
2563:   XRectangle rect;
2565:   r = XCreateRegion();
2567:   rect.x = x;
2568:   rect.y = y;
2569:   rect.width = width;
2570:   rect.height = height;
2572:   XUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, r, r);
2574:   XSetRegion(dpy, gc, r);
2576:   XDestroyRegion(r);
2577: }
2579: void FindClipRegion(who, win_width, win_height, start_hole)
2580: int who, start_hole;
2581: Dimension win_width, win_height;
2582: {
2584:   int i, tie, err, n, sm, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, h1, h2, h3, w1, w2, w3, t1, t2, point_clip;
2585:   float sbd[MAXPERCORE], dat[MAXPERCORE], min1, min2, max1, max2;
2587:   point_clip = 2;
2589:   if(smooth.method == NONE) {
2590:     sm = NO;
2591:   }
2592:   else if((smooth.method == GAUSSIAN || smooth.method == OTHER) &&
2593:           (smooth.plot == UNSMOOTHED)){
2594:     sm = NO;
2595:   }
2596:   else if((smooth.method == GAUSSIAN || smooth.method == OTHER) &&
2597:            (smooth.plot == SMOOTHED || smooth.plot == SMOOTHEDBOTH)){
2598:     sm = YES;
2599:   }
2600:   else {
2601:     sm = NO;
2602:   }
2604:   if(who == EDIT) {
2606:     if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_TIES) {
2608:       if(have_tie1 == DO && have_tie2 == DONT) {
2609:         tie = tie1arraynum;
2610:         err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie1holenum, tie1corenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie);
2611:         y1 = (sbd[tie] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2612:         if(y1 < POINTSIZE) {
2613:           y1 = POINTSIZE;
2614:         }
2615:         clip_y = y1 - POINTSIZE;
2616:         clip_height = POINTSIZE * point_clip;
2617:         x1 = (dat[tie] - minvar)/varperpix+
2618:               OFF + SPACE + (tie1holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2619:         if(x1 < POINTSIZE) {
2620:           x1 = POINTSIZE;
2621:         }
2622:         clip_x = x1 - POINTSIZE;
2623:         clip_width = POINTSIZE * point_clip; 
2625:       }
2626:       else if(have_tie1 == DONT && have_tie2 == DO) {
2627:         tie = tie2arraynum;
2628:         err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie2holenum, tie2corenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie); 
2629:         y2 = (sbd[tie] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2630:         if(y2 < POINTSIZE) { 
2631:           y2 = POINTSIZE; 
2632:         } 
2633:         clip_y = y2 - POINTSIZE;
2634:         clip_height = POINTSIZE * point_clip;
2635:         x2 = (dat[tie] - minvar)/varperpix+ 
2636:               OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);  
2637:         if(x2 < POINTSIZE) { 
2638:           x2 = POINTSIZE; 
2639:         }
2640:         clip_x = x2 - POINTSIZE;   
2641:         clip_width = POINTSIZE * point_clip;
2642:       }
2643:       else if(have_tie1 == DO && have_tie2 == DO) {
2645:         sm = NO;
2646:         tie = tie1arraynum;
2647:         err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie1holenum, tie1corenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie); 
2648:         FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min1, &max1);
2649:         x1 = (min1 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie1holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2650:         w1 = (max1 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie1holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2652:         tie = tie2arraynum;
2653:         err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie2holenum, tie2corenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie);  
2654:         FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min2, &max2);
2655:         t2 = (sbd[tie] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2656:         y3 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_edit + tiedepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2657:         h3 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_edit + tiedepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2658:         x2 = (min2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2659:         w2 = (max2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2660:         x3 = (min2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie1holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE); 
2661:         w3 = (max2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie1holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2663:         if(y3 <= t2) {
2664:           y1 = y3;
2665:         }
2666:         else if(y3 > t2) {
2667:           y1 = t2;
2668:         }
2669:         if(y1 < 0) {
2670:           clip_y = 0;
2671:         }
2672:         else {
2673:           clip_y = y1;
2674:         }
2676:         if(h3 <= t2) {
2677:           h1 = t2;
2678:         }
2679:         else if(h3 > t2) {
2680:           h1 = h3;
2681:         }
2682:         if(h1 < 0) {
2683:           h1 = 0;
2684:         }
2685:         clip_height = h1 - clip_y;
2687:         if(x2 < x1) {
2688:           x1 = x2;
2689:         }
2690:         if(x3 < x1) {
2691:           x1 = x3;
2692:         }
2693:         if(x1 < 0) {
2694:           clip_x = 0;
2695:         }
2696:         else {
2697:           clip_x = x1;
2698:         }
2700:         if(w2 > w1) {   
2701:           w1 = w2; 
2702:         }
2703:         if(w3 > w1) {
2704:           w1 = w3;  
2705:         }
2706:         if(w1 < 0) {
2707:           w1 = 0;
2708:         }
2709:         clip_width = w1 - clip_x;
2710:       }
2711:     }
2713:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFT || reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFTUNDO) {
2715:       sm = NO;
2716:       tie = tie2arraynum;
2717:       err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie2holenum, tie2corenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie);
2719:       if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFT) {
2720:         if(lastdepoffset >= 0.0) {
2721:           y2 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_edit - lastdepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit; 
2722:         }
2723:         else if(lastdepoffset < 0.0) {
2724:           y2 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit;
2725:         }
2726:       }
2727:       else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFTUNDO) {
2728:         if(lastdepoffset >= 0.0) { 
2729:           y2 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit; 
2730:         }  
2731:         else if(lastdepoffset < 0.0) {
2732:           y2 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_edit - lastdepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit; 
2733:         }
2734:       }
2735:       if(y2 < 0) {
2736:         clip_y = 0;
2737:       }
2738:       else {
2739:         clip_y = y2;
2740:       }
2742:       if(lastshiftwho == ONECORE) {
2743:         if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFT) { 
2744:           if(lastdepoffset >= 0.0) { 
2745:             h2 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit; 
2746:           }  
2747:           else if(lastdepoffset < 0.0) {
2748:             h2 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_edit + lastdepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit; 
2749:           }  
2750:         } 
2751:         else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_DEPTHSHIFTUNDO) { 
2752:           if(lastdepoffset >= 0.0) {  
2753:             h2 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_edit + lastdepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit;  
2754:           }   
2755:           else if(lastdepoffset < 0.0) { 
2756:             h2 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_edit)/depperpix + top_off_edit;  
2757:           }
2758:         }
2759:       }
2760:       else if(lastshiftwho == ALLCORES) {
2761:         h2 = (int)win_height;
2762:       }
2763:       if(h2 < 0) {
2764:         h2 = 0;
2765:       }
2766:       clip_height = h2 - clip_y;
2768:       if(lastshiftwho == ONECORE || tie2corenum == data[dset]->holes[tie2holenum]->numcores - 1) {
2769:         FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min2, &max2);
2770:         x2 = (min2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2771:         w2 = (max2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2772:       }  
2773:       else if(lastshiftwho == ALLCORES && tie2corenum < data[dset]->holes[tie2holenum]->numcores - 1) {
2774:         FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min2, &max2); 
2775:         x2 = (min2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE); 
2776:         w2 = (max2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2777:         i = tie2corenum + 1;
2778:         while(i < data[dset]->holes[tie2holenum]->numcores) {
2779:           tie = 0;
2780:           err = CleanUpCore(dset, tie2holenum, i, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie);  
2781:           if(((sbd[0] - top_meter_edit - lastdepoffset)/depperpix + top_off_edit) > (int)win_height) {
2782:             break;
2783:           }
2784:           else {
2785:             FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min2, &max2); 
2786:             x3 = (min2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);  
2787:             w3 = (max2 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + (tie2holenum - start_hole) * (varaxislen + SPACE);
2788:             if(x3 < x2) {
2789:               x2 = x3;
2790:             }
2791:             if(w3 > w2) {
2792:               w2 = w3;
2793:             }
2794:             ++i;
2795:           }
2796:         }
2797:       }
2798:       if(x2 < 0) {
2799:         clip_x = 0;
2800:       }
2801:       else {
2802:         clip_x = x2;
2803:       }
2804:       if(w2 < 0) {
2805:         w2 = 0;
2806:       }
2807:       clip_width = w2 - clip_x;
2808:     }
2810:     else {
2811:       clip_x = 0;
2812:       clip_y = 0;
2813:       clip_width = (int)win_width;
2814:       clip_height = (int)win_height;
2815:     }
2817:   }
2819:   else if(who == VIEW) {
2821:     if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_TIES) { 
2823:     } 
2825:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_COREGRABBED) { 
2827:       sm = NO;
2828:       tie = splicearraynum;
2829:       err = CleanUpCore(dset, spliceholenum, splicecorenum, &n, sbd, dat, sm, &tie);
2830:       y1 = (sbd[0] - top_meter_view)/depperpix + top_off_view;
2831:       if(y1 < 0) {
2832:         clip_y = 0;
2833:       }
2834:       else {
2835:         clip_y = y1;
2836:       }
2837:       h2 = (sbd[n-1] - top_meter_view)/depperpix + top_off_view;
2838:       clip_height = h2 - clip_y;
2840:       FindMinMaxOneCore(dat, n, &min1, &max1);
2841:       x1 = (min1 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + varaxislen;
2842:       w1 = (max1 - minvar)/varperpix + OFF + SPACE + varaxislen;
2843:       if(x1 < 0) {
2844:         clip_x = 0;
2845:       }  
2846:       else {
2847:         clip_x = x1;
2848:       }  
2849:       if(w1 < 0) {
2850:         w2 = 0;
2851:       }  
2852:       clip_width = w1 - clip_x;
2853:     } 
2855:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_CORECLEARED) {
2857:     }
2859:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_SPLICED) {
2861:     }
2863:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_APPEND) {
2865:     }
2867:     else if(reason_for_redraw == DRAW_UNDONE) {
2869:     }
2871:     else {
2872:       clip_x = 0;
2873:       clip_y = 0;
2874:       clip_width = (int)win_width;
2875:       clip_height = (int)win_height;
2876:     }
2878:   }
2880:   else {
2881:     clip_x = 0;
2882:     clip_y = 0;
2883:     clip_width = (int)win_width;
2884:     clip_height = (int)win_height;
2885:   }
2886: }
2888: int FindMinMaxOneCore(pdat, n, pmin, pmax)
2889: int n;
2890: float *pdat, *pmin, *pmax;
2891: {
2892:   int i;
2894:   *pmin = 99999.0;
2895:   *pmax = -99999.0;
2896:   for(i=0; i<n; ++i) {
2897:     if(*pmin > pdat[i]) {
2898:       *pmin = pdat[i];
2899:     }
2900:     if(*pmax < pdat[i]) {
2901:       *pmax = pdat[i];
2902:     }
2903:   }
2904:   if(*pmin == 99999.0 || *pmax == -99999.0) {
2905:     return 1;
2906:   }
2907:   else {
2908:     return 0;
2909:   }
2910: } 
2912: void ReadColorList(dpy)
2913: Display *dpy;
2914: {
2915:   int start, i;
2916:   char line[1000], rgbcolor[51], value[51], *color_path, *filename, *getenv();
2917:   FILE *fp;
2918:   XmString xmstring;
2919:   Pixel sampPixel;
2921:   start = 0;
2922:   if((color_path=(char*)calloc(1000, CHAR_SIZE))==NULL)
2923:                  SpBadMemAlloc("ReadColorList");
2924:   (void)strcpy(color_path,(char*)getenv("SPLICER_COLOR_PATH"));
2925:   if((filename=(char*)calloc((int)strlen(color_path) + 50, CHAR_SIZE))==NULL)
2926:                  SpBadMemAlloc("ReadColorList");
2927:   (void)sprintf(filename, "%s/color-name-list", color_path);
2928:   free(color_path);
2930:   if((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) {
2931:     strcpy(line, "");
2932:     while(fgets(line, 1000, fp) != NULL) {
2934:       for(i=50; i>=0; --i) {
2935:         strcpy(&rgbcolor[i], "");
2936:         strcpy(&value[i], "");
2937:       }
2938:       strcpy(rgbcolor, "");
2939:       strcpy(value, "");
2941:       (void)strncpy(value, &line[13], (int)strlen(line) - 12);
2943:       sscanf(value, "%s", rgbcolor);
2945:       xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(rgbcolor);
2946:       XmListAddItemUnselected(listColor, xmstring, 0);
2947:       XmStringFree(xmstring); 
2948:       if(start == 0) {
2950:         /* let the first color in the list be the selected
2951:            and displayed sample color
2952:         */
2953:         GetColorPixelValue(dpy, rgbcolor, &sampPixel);
2954:         XtVaSetValues(drawingAreaColorSelect, XmNbackground, sampPixel, NULL);
2955:         XmListSelectPos(listColor, 1, NULL);
2956:         start = 1;
2957:       }  
2958:       strcpy(line, "");
2959:     }
2960:     fclose(fp);
2961:   }
2962:   else {
2963:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"Warning: Could not open splicer's color-name-list.");
2964:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
2965:   }
2967:   free(filename);
2969:   (void)sprintf(line, "");
2970:   (void)sprintf(rgbcolor, "");
2971:   (void)sprintf(value, "");
2972: }
2974: int GetColorPixelValue(dpy, rgbc, pixel)
2975: Display *dpy;
2976: char rgbc[51];
2977: Pixel *pixel;
2978: {
2979:   int test;
2980:   XColor return_color, unused;
2982:   if(!(test=XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, rgbc, &return_color, &unused))) {
2983:     (void)printf("can not allocate named color:  %s. reason %d\n", rgbc, test);
2984:     *pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(XtScreen(drawingAreaColorSelect));
2985:   }
2986:   else {
2987:     *pixel = return_color.pixel;
2988:   }    
2989: }
2991: void SetCustomeColorWidgetBGColors(bgP)
2992: Pixel bgP;
2993: {
2995:   /* set the row-column background color
2996:   */
2997:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorCompositeAndSplice, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
2998:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorCorrelation, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
2999:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorDepthOffset, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3000:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorDrawingAreas, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3001:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorAgeDepth, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3002:   XtVaSetValues(rowColumnColorSpliceToAge, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3004:   /* set the label background color
3005:   */
3006:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3007:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3008:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoreRelated, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3009:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorembsf, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3010:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoremcd, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3011:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSmooth, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3012:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSplice, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3013:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSpliceLocation, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3014:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieRelated, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3015:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtFixed, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3016:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtShift, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3017:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieLine, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3018:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayInCorr, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3019:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3020:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorStrat, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3021:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorPaleomag, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3022:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDiatom, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3023:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorRad, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3024:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorForam, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3025:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorNanno, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3026:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorrCoef, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3027:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorBestCorr, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3028:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3029:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3030:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3031:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3032:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3033:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3034:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3035:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3036:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3037:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3038:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3039:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3040:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3041:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthLine, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3042:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSedRate, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3043:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTimeSeries, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3044:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDatumLocation, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3045: }
3047: void SetCustomeColorWidgetFGColors(fgP)
3048: Pixel fgP;
3049: {
3051:   /* set the row-column label colors
3052:   */
3053:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3054:   XtVaSetValues(labelDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3055:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoreRelated, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3056:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorembsf, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3057:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCoremcd, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3058:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSmooth, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3059:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSplice, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3060:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorSpliceLocation, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3061:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieRelated, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3062:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtFixed, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3063:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTiePtShift, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3064:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorTieLine, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3065:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayInCorr, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3066:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3067:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorStrat, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3068:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorPaleomag, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3069:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDiatom, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3070:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorRad, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3071:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorForam, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3072:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorNanno, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3073:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorCorrCoef, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3074:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorBestCorr, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3075:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3076:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3077:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3078:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3079:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3080:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3081:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3082:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3083:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3084:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3085:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3086:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3087:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3088:   XtVaSetValues(labelColorAgeDepthLine, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3089: }
3091: void SetCustomeColorButtonColors(bgP, buttP, buttColorName)
3092: Pixel bgP, buttP[NCUSTOMECOLORBUTT];
3093: char buttColorName[NCUSTOMECOLORBUTT][50];
3094: {
3096:   int i;
3097:   XmString xmstring;
3099:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL); 
3100:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[BG_COLOR]); 
3101:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorBG, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL); 
3102:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3104:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNbackground, buttP[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);  
3105:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[LABEL_COLOR]);  
3106:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonDrawingAreaColorLabels, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3107:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3109:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorembsf, XmNbackground, buttP[MBSF_COLOR], NULL);
3110:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[MBSF_COLOR]);
3111:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorembsf, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
3112:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3114:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCoremcd, XmNbackground, buttP[MCD_COLOR], NULL);  
3115:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[MCD_COLOR]);  
3116:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCoremcd, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3117:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3119:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSmooth, XmNbackground, buttP[SMOOTH_COLOR], NULL);  
3120:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[SMOOTH_COLOR]);  
3121:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSmooth, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3122:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3124:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSplice, XmNbackground, buttP[SPLICE_COLOR], NULL);  
3125:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[SPLICE_COLOR]);  
3126:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSplice, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3127:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3129:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSpliceLocation, XmNbackground, buttP[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR], NULL);  
3130:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR]);  
3131:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSpliceLocation, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3132:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3134:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtFixed, XmNbackground, buttP[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR], NULL);  
3135:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR]);  
3136:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtFixed, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3137:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3139:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtShift, XmNbackground, buttP[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR], NULL);  
3140:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR]);  
3141:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTiePtShift, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3142:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3144:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTieLine, XmNbackground, buttP[TIELINE_COLOR], NULL);  
3145:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[TIELINE_COLOR]);  
3146:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorTieLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3147:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3149:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayInCorr, XmNbackground, buttP[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR], NULL);  
3150:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR]);  
3151:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayInCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3152:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3154:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNbackground, buttP[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR], NULL);  
3155:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR]);  
3156:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorOverlayOutCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3157:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3159:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorPaleomag, XmNbackground, buttP[PALEOMAG_COLOR], NULL);  
3160:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[PALEOMAG_COLOR]);  
3161:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorPaleomag, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3162:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3164:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDiatom, XmNbackground, buttP[DIATOM_COLOR], NULL);  
3165:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DIATOM_COLOR]);  
3166:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDiatom, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3167:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3169:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorRad, XmNbackground, buttP[RAD_COLOR], NULL);  
3170:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[RAD_COLOR]);  
3171:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorRad, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3172:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3174:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorForam, XmNbackground, buttP[FORAM_COLOR], NULL);  
3175:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[FORAM_COLOR]);  
3176:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorForam, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3177:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3179:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorNanno, XmNbackground, buttP[NANNO_COLOR], NULL);  
3180:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[NANNO_COLOR]);  
3181:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorNanno, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3182:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3184:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorrCoef, XmNbackground, buttP[CORRCOEF_COLOR], NULL);  
3185:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[CORRCOEF_COLOR]);  
3186:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorCorrCoef, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3187:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3189:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorBestCorr, XmNbackground, buttP[BESTCORR_COLOR], NULL);  
3190:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[BESTCORR_COLOR]);  
3191:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorBestCorr, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3192:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3194:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR], NULL);  
3195:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR]);  
3196:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3197:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3199:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR], NULL);  
3200:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR]);  
3201:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole1, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3202:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3204:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR], NULL);  
3205:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR]);  
3206:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole2, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3207:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3209:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR], NULL);  
3210:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR]);  
3211:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole3, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3212:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3214:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR], NULL);  
3215:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR]);  
3216:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole4, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3217:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3219:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR], NULL);  
3220:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR]);  
3221:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole5, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3222:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3224:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR], NULL);  
3225:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR]);  
3226:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole6, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3227:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3229:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR], NULL);  
3230:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR]);  
3231:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole7, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3232:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3234:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR], NULL);  
3235:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR]);  
3236:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole8, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3237:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3239:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR], NULL);  
3240:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR]);  
3241:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole9, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3242:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3244:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR], NULL);  
3245:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR]);  
3246:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole10, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3247:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3249:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNbackground, buttP[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR], NULL);  
3250:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR]);  
3251:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorDepthOffsetHole11, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);  
3252:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3254:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR]);
3255:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthHandPick, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
3256:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3258:   xmstring = XmStringCreateSimple(buttColorName[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR]);
3259:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorAgeDepthLine, XmNlabelString, xmstring, NULL);
3260:   XmStringFree(xmstring);
3261: }
3263: void HardwireAxis(max, pmaxunit, pannot, pticinc, ppixperunit, pticpixlen, punitperpix, axispixlen, zoomfact)
3264: int *pannot, *ppixperunit, *pticpixlen, axispixlen, zoomfact;
3265: float max, *pmaxunit, *pticinc, *punitperpix;
3266: {
3267:   double check, fract, ip;
3269:   if(max <= 50.0){
3270:     *pmaxunit = 50.0;
3271:     *pannot = 2;
3272:     *pticinc = 5.0;
3273:     *ppixperunit = 12;
3274:     *pticpixlen = 60;
3275:     *punitperpix = 0.0833;
3276:   } 
3277:   else if(max <= 75.0){
3278:     *pmaxunit = 75.0;
3279:     *pannot = 5;
3280:     *pticinc = 5.0;
3281:     *ppixperunit = 8;
3282:     *pticpixlen = 40;
3283:     *punitperpix = 0.125;
3284:   }
3285:   else if(max <= 100.0){
3286:     *pmaxunit = 100.0;
3287:     *pannot = 2;
3288:     *pticinc = 10.0;
3289:     *ppixperunit = 6;
3290:     *pticpixlen = 60;
3291:     *punitperpix = 0.1666;
3292:   }
3293:   else if(max <= 120.0){
3294:     *pmaxunit = 120.0;
3295:     *pannot = 2;
3296:     *pticinc = 10.0;
3297:     *ppixperunit = 5;
3298:     *pticpixlen = 50;
3299:     *punitperpix = 0.2000;
3300:   }
3301:   else if(max <= 150.0){
3302:     *pmaxunit = 150.0;
3303:     *pannot = 2;
3304:     *pticinc = 25.0;
3305:     *ppixperunit = 4;
3306:     *pticpixlen = 100;
3307:     *punitperpix = 0.2500;
3308:   }
3309:   else if(max <= 200.0){
3310:     *pmaxunit = 200.0;
3311:     *pannot = 2;
3312:     *pticinc = 25.0;
3313:     *ppixperunit = 3;
3314:     *pticpixlen = 75;
3315:     *punitperpix = 0.3333;
3316:   }
3317:   else if(max <= 300.0){
3318:     *pmaxunit = 300.0;
3319:     *pannot = 2;
3320:     *pticinc = 50.0;
3321:     *ppixperunit = 2;
3322:     *pticpixlen = 100;
3323:     *punitperpix = 0.5000;
3324:   }
3325:   else if(max <= 600.0){
3326:     *pmaxunit = 600.0;
3327:     *pannot = 1;
3328:     *pticinc = 100;
3329:     *ppixperunit = 1;
3330:     *pticpixlen = 100;
3331:     *punitperpix = 1.000;
3332:   }
3333:   else {
3334:     *pmaxunit = max;
3335:     *pannot = 1;
3336:     *pticinc = 100.0;
3337:     check = *pmaxunit/(*pticinc);
3338:     fract = modf(check, &ip);
3339:     if(fract == 0.0){
3340:     }
3341:     else {
3342:       *pmaxunit = (ip * (*pticinc)) + (*pticinc);
3343:     }
3344:     check = axispixlen/(*pmaxunit);
3345:     fract = modf(check, &ip);
3346:     *ppixperunit = ip;
3348:     *pticpixlen = *ppixperunit * (*pticinc);
3349:     check = *ppixperunit;
3350:     *punitperpix = 1.0/check;
3351:   }
3352: }
3354: void PlaceDialog(w, where)
3355: Widget w;
3356: int where;
3357: {
3358:   Dimension wwidth, wheight;
3359:   Position x, y;
3361:   XtVaGetValues(w, XmNwidth, &wwidth, XmNheight, &wheight, NULL);
3363:   if(where == TOPLEFT) {
3364:     x = 20;
3365:     y = 20;
3366:   }
3367:   else if(where == BOTLEFT) {
3368:     x = 10;
3369:     y = (int)HeightOfScreen(XtScreen(w)) - (int)wheight - 20;
3370:   }
3371:   else if(where == TOPRIGHT) {
3372:     y = 20;
3373:     x = (int)WidthOfScreen(XtScreen(w)) - (int)wwidth - 10;
3374:   }
3375:   else if(where == BOTRIGHT) {
3376:     x = (int)WidthOfScreen(XtScreen(w)) - (int)wwidth - 10;
3377:     y = (int)HeightOfScreen(XtScreen(w)) - (int)wheight - 10;
3378:   }
3379:   else {
3380:     x = 20;
3381:     y = 20;
3382:   }
3384:   XtVaSetValues(w, XmNx, x, XmNy, y, NULL);
3385: }
3387: void MapStratToAffine()
3388: {
3389:   int i, j, k, l, m;
3390:   char holename[2];
3392:   /* find if the datum is in the affine table
3393:   */
3394:   for( i=0; i<strat_file_cnt; ++i) {
3395:     for(j=0; j<strat[i]->data_cnt; ++j) {
3396:       strat[i]->data[j].hole_is_in_dataset = NO;
3397:       strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine = NO;
3398:       strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine = NO;
3399:       strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_hole = -1;
3400:       strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_core = -1;
3401:       strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_hole = -1;
3402:       strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_core = -1;
3403:       for(k=0; k<affinetable.numhole; ++k) {
3404:         (void)sprintf(holename,"%c", strat[i]->data[j].top.hole);
3405:         if(strcmp(holename, affinetable.hole[k].name) == 0) {
3406:           strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_hole = k;
3407:           strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_hole = k;
3408:           for(m=0; m<data[dset]->numholes; ++m) {
3409:             if(strat[i]->data[j].top.hole == data[dset]->holes[m]->name) {
3410:               strat[i]->data[j].hole_is_in_dataset = YES;
3411:             }        
3412:           }
3413:           for(l=0; l<affinetable.hole[k].numcore; ++l) {
3414:             if(strat[i]->data[j].top.core == affinetable.hole[k].core[l].name) {
3415:               strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine = YES;
3416:               strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_core = l;
3417:             }
3418:             if(strat[i]->data[j].bot.core == affinetable.hole[k].core[l].name) {
3419:               strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine = YES;
3420:               strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_core = l;
3421:             }
3422:           }
3423:         }
3424:       }
3425:     }
3426:   }
3428:   (void)sprintf(holename, "");
3429: }
3431: void FindStratDepthOffset()
3432: {
3433:   int i, j;
3435:   /* set the strat cum depth offset
3437:      use the following rules for whether to use strat:
3439:      if the affine table does not contain the hole of datum; 
3440:            dont'-can't use datum
3441:      if the affine table does not have the core(s) for both the top and bot of datum;
3442:            ?
3443:      if the affine table has the core for the top of datum but not the bot;
3444:            use the top offset for bot;
3445:      if the affine table has the core for the bot of datum but not the top;
3446:            use the bot offset for top;
3447:   */
3449:   for( i=0; i<strat_file_cnt; ++i) {
3450:     for(j=0; j<strat[i]->data_cnt; ++j) {
3451:       if(strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine == YES && strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine == YES) {
3452:         strat[i]->data[j].top.offset = affinetable.hole[strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_hole].core[strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_core].cum_depth_offset;
3453:         strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset = affinetable.hole[strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_hole].core[strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_core].cum_depth_offset;
3454:       }
3455:       else if(strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine == YES && strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine == NO) {
3456:         strat[i]->data[j].top.offset = affinetable.hole[strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_hole].core[strat[i]->data[j].top.aff_map_core].cum_depth_offset;
3457:         strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset = strat[i]->data[j].top.offset;
3458:       }
3459:       else if(strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine == NO && strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine == YES) {
3460:         strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset = affinetable.hole[strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_hole].core[strat[i]->data[j].bot.aff_map_core].cum_depth_offset;
3461:         strat[i]->data[j].top.offset = strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset;
3462:       }
3463:       else {
3464:         strat[i]->data[j].top.offset = 0.0;
3465:         strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset = 0.0;
3466:       }
3468:       strat[i]->data[j].aveage = (strat[i]->data[j].bot_age + strat[i]->data[j].top_age)/2.0;
3469:       strat[i]->data[j].avembsf = (strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth + strat[i]->data[j].top.sb_depth)/2.0;
3470:       strat[i]->data[j].avemcd = (strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth + strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset + 
3471:                                   strat[i]->data[j].top.sb_depth + strat[i]->data[j].top.offset)/2.0;
3472:     }
3473:   }
3474: }
3476: void AgeDepthMinMax()
3477: {
3478:   int i, j, scalemax;
3480:   if(have_strat == DO) {
3481:     maxagedepdepth = 0.0;
3482:     maxagedepage = 0.0;
3483:     for(i=0; i<strat_file_cnt; ++i) {
3484:       for(j=0; j<strat[i]->data_cnt; ++j) {
3485:         if(strat[i]->data[j].top.in_affine == YES || strat[i]->data[j].bot.in_affine == YES) {
3486:           if(strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth > maxagedepdepth) {
3487:             maxagedepdepth = strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth;
3488:           }
3489:           if(strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth + strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset > maxagedepdepth) {
3490:             maxagedepdepth = strat[i]->data[j].bot.sb_depth + strat[i]->data[j].bot.offset;
3491:           }
3492:           if(strat[i]->data[j].bot_age > maxagedepage) {
3493:             maxagedepage = strat[i]->data[j].bot_age;
3494:           }
3495:         }
3496:       }
3497:     }
3499:     /* set the scale bars max
3501:     scalemax = maxagedepdepth + 1;
3502:     maxagedepdepth = scalemax;
3503:     XtVaSetValues(scaleDrawingAreaAgeDepthDepth, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL);
3504:     scalemax = maxagedepage + 1;
3505:     maxagedepage = scalemax;
3506:     XtVaSetValues(scaleDrawingAreaAgeDepthAge, XmNmaximum, scalemax, NULL);
3507: */
3508:   }
3509: }
3511: void AgeDepthPlotValues(winlen, pmaxvalue, startvalue, pfirsttic, topoffset, botoffset, pleft, pticpixlen, ticlen, ppixperunit)
3512: int winlen, topoffset, botoffset, *pticpixlen, *ppixperunit, *pleft;
3513: float *pmaxvalue, startvalue, *pfirsttic, ticlen;
3514: {
3515:   int axispixlen;
3516:   double check, fract, ip;
3518:   /* is the length of axis evenly divisiable by tic
3519:      if not increase axis length so it is
3520:   */
3521:   check = *pmaxvalue/ticlen;
3522:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
3523:   if(fract == 0.0) {
3524:   }
3525:   else {
3526:     *pmaxvalue = (ip * ticlen) + ticlen;
3527:   }
3529:   /* is the top value divisable by tic or is there a remainder
3530:   */
3531:   check = startvalue/ticlen;
3532:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
3534:   /*if no remainder than axis starts at a tic
3535:     and if there is a remainder axis does not start at a tic
3536:     and the first tic is the next one down
3537:   */
3538:   if(fract == 0.0) {
3539:     *pfirsttic = startvalue;
3540:   }
3541:   else {
3542:     *pfirsttic = ticlen * ip + ticlen;
3543:   }
3545:   axispixlen = winlen - topoffset - botoffset;
3547:   /* calculate how many pixels in a unit; truncate the result so mult.
3548:      units are equal to a pixel value that is a whole number
3549:   */
3550:   check = axispixlen/(*pmaxvalue);
3551:   fract = modf(check, &ip);
3552:   *ppixperunit = ip;
3554:   *pticpixlen = *ppixperunit * ticlen;
3556:   /*if axis does not start at a tic calculate the distance
3557:     in pixels from top of axis to first tic
3558:   */
3559:   if(*pfirsttic == startvalue) {
3560:     *pleft = 0;
3561:   }
3562:   else {
3563:     *pleft = (*pfirsttic - startvalue) * *ppixperunit;
3564:   }
3566: }
3568: int CalcAge()
3569: {
3570:   int i, j, k;
3572:   /* calculate the age of the splice using age model
3573:   */
3575:   /* need at least two datums in age model
3576:      because can't calc. sed rate with just one
3577:   */
3578:   if(agemodel_cnt <=1) {
3579:     return YES;
3580:   }
3582:   /* calc the rates of change ddep/dage
3583:   */
3584:   agemodel_avesedrate = 0.0;
3585:   for(i=0; i<agemodel_cnt-1; ++i) {
3586:     agemodel[i].sedrate = (agemodel[i+1].avemcd - agemodel[i].avemcd)/(agemodel[i+1].aveage - agemodel[i].aveage);
3587:     agemodel_avesedrate = agemodel_avesedrate + agemodel[i].sedrate;
3588:   }
3589:   agemodel[agemodel_cnt - 1].sedrate = agemodel[agemodel_cnt -2].sedrate;
3590:   agemodel_avesedrate = agemodel_avesedrate/agemodel_cnt;
3592:   for(j=0; j<spcomp.numcores; ++j) {
3593:     for(k=0; k<spcomp.numpercore[j]; ++k) {
3594:       if(spcomp.sb_depth[j][k] <= agemodel[0].avemcd) {
3595:         spcomp.age[j][k] = agemodel[0].aveage - (agemodel[0].avemcd - spcomp.sb_depth[j][k])/agemodel[0].sedrate;
3596:         spcomp.sedrate[j][k] = agemodel[0].sedrate;
3597:       }
3598:       else if(spcomp.sb_depth[j][k] >= agemodel[agemodel_cnt-1].avemcd) {
3599:         spcomp.age[j][k] = agemodel[agemodel_cnt-1].aveage - 
3600:                            (agemodel[agemodel_cnt-1].avemcd - spcomp.sb_depth[j][k])/agemodel[agemodel_cnt-1].sedrate;
3601:         spcomp.sedrate[j][k] = agemodel[agemodel_cnt-1].sedrate;
3602:       }
3603:       else {
3604:         for(i=0; i<agemodel_cnt-1; ++i) {
3605:           if(spcomp.sb_depth[j][k] >= agemodel[i].avemcd && spcomp.sb_depth[j][k] <= agemodel[i+1].avemcd) {
3606:             spcomp.age[j][k] = agemodel[i].aveage - (agemodel[i].avemcd - spcomp.sb_depth[j][k])/agemodel[i].sedrate;
3607:             spcomp.sedrate[j][k] = agemodel[i].sedrate;
3608:           }
3609:         }
3610:       }
3611:     }
3612:   }
3614:   return NO;
3615: }
3617: int GetColorSet()
3618: {
3619:   int i;
3621:   if(colorset == EARTH_COLORSET) {
3622:     (void)strcpy(color[BG_COLOR],"NavajoWhite");
3623:     (void)strcpy(color[LABEL_COLOR],"brown");
3624:     (void)strcpy(color[MBSF_COLOR],"SlateGray");
3625:     (void)strcpy(color[MCD_COLOR],"DarkOliveGreen");
3626:     (void)strcpy(color[SMOOTH_COLOR],"gray");
3627:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICE_COLOR],"SkyBlue");
3628:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR],"sienna");
3629:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR],"red");
3630:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR],"green");
3631:     (void)strcpy(color[TIELINE_COLOR],"tomato");
3632:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR],"red");
3633:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR],"pink");
3634:     (void)strcpy(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR],"blue");
3635:     (void)strcpy(color[DIATOM_COLOR],"SpringGreen");
3636:     (void)strcpy(color[RAD_COLOR],"white");
3637:     (void)strcpy(color[FORAM_COLOR],"HotPink");
3638:     (void)strcpy(color[NANNO_COLOR],"brown");
3639:     (void)strcpy(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR],"ForestGreen");
3640:     (void)strcpy(color[BESTCORR_COLOR],"yellow");
3641:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR],"black");
3642:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR],"white");
3643:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR],"green");
3644:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR],"blue");
3645:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR],"red");
3646:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR],"orange");
3647:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR],"brown");
3648:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR],"violet");
3649:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR],"pink");
3650:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR],"DarkGreen");
3651:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR],"MidnightBlue");
3652:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR],"PowderBlue");
3653:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], "orchid");
3654:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], "black");
3655:     (void)strcpy(color[SEDRATE_COLOR], "green");
3656:     (void)strcpy(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], "burlywood");
3657:     (void)strcpy(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], "salmon");
3658:   }
3659:   else if(colorset == CORPORATE_COLORSET) {
3660:     (void)strcpy(color[BG_COLOR],"gainsboro");
3661:     (void)strcpy(color[LABEL_COLOR],"black");
3662:     (void)strcpy(color[MBSF_COLOR],"ForestGreen");
3663:     (void)strcpy(color[MCD_COLOR],"blue");
3664:     (void)strcpy(color[SMOOTH_COLOR],"peru");
3665:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICE_COLOR],"black");
3666:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR],"yellow");
3667:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR],"red");
3668:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR],"green");
3669:     (void)strcpy(color[TIELINE_COLOR],"purple");
3670:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR],"red");
3671:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR],"LightPink");
3672:     (void)strcpy(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR],"red");
3673:     (void)strcpy(color[DIATOM_COLOR],"white");
3674:     (void)strcpy(color[RAD_COLOR],"DarkSeaGreen");
3675:     (void)strcpy(color[FORAM_COLOR],"DeepPink");
3676:     (void)strcpy(color[NANNO_COLOR],"DarkSlateBlue");
3677:     (void)strcpy(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR],"red");
3678:     (void)strcpy(color[BESTCORR_COLOR],"yellow");
3679:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR],"black");
3680:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR],"blue");
3681:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR],"green");
3682:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR],"yellow");
3683:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR],"red");
3684:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR],"orange");
3685:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR],"purple");
3686:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR],"brown");
3687:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR],"gold");
3688:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR],"violet");
3689:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR],"darkgreen");
3690:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR],"DarkKhaki");
3691:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], "purple");
3692:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], "brown");
3693:     (void)strcpy(color[SEDRATE_COLOR], "tomato");
3694:     (void)strcpy(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], "burlywood");
3695:     (void)strcpy(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], "ForestGreen");
3696:   }
3697:   else if(colorset == MARITIME_COLORSET) {
3698:     (void)strcpy(color[BG_COLOR],"black");
3699:     (void)strcpy(color[LABEL_COLOR],"white");
3700:     (void)strcpy(color[MBSF_COLOR],"yellow");
3701:     (void)strcpy(color[MCD_COLOR],"green");
3702:     (void)strcpy(color[SMOOTH_COLOR],"pink");
3703:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICE_COLOR],"turquoise");
3704:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR],"white");
3705:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR],"red");
3706:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR],"green");
3707:     (void)strcpy(color[TIELINE_COLOR],"orange");
3708:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR],"turquoise");
3709:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR],"green");
3710:     (void)strcpy(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR],"red");
3711:     (void)strcpy(color[DIATOM_COLOR],"limegreen");
3712:     (void)strcpy(color[RAD_COLOR],"white");
3713:     (void)strcpy(color[FORAM_COLOR],"pink");
3714:     (void)strcpy(color[NANNO_COLOR],"lightblue");
3715:     (void)strcpy(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR],"lightblue");
3716:     (void)strcpy(color[BESTCORR_COLOR],"yellow");
3717:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR],"white");
3718:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR],"pink");
3719:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR],"green");
3720:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR],"yellow");
3721:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR],"blue");
3722:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR],"orange");
3723:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR],"violet");
3724:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR],"red");
3725:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR],"brown");
3726:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR],"turquoise");
3727:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR],"darkgreen");
3728:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR],"lightblue");
3729:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR],"yellow");
3730:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], "red");
3731:     (void)strcpy(color[SEDRATE_COLOR], "green");
3732:     (void)strcpy(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], "yellow");
3733:     (void)strcpy(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], "red");
3734:   }
3735:   else if(colorset == ODP_COLORSET) {
3736:     (void)strcpy(color[BG_COLOR],"black");
3737:     (void)strcpy(color[LABEL_COLOR],"white");
3738:     (void)strcpy(color[MBSF_COLOR],"gold");
3739:     (void)strcpy(color[MCD_COLOR],"DodgerBlue");
3740:     (void)strcpy(color[SMOOTH_COLOR],"khaki");
3741:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICE_COLOR],"DodgerBlue");
3742:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR],"aquamarine");
3743:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR],"red");
3744:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR],"green");
3745:     (void)strcpy(color[TIELINE_COLOR],"DarkOrange");
3746:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR],"LemonChiffon");
3747:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR],"coral");
3748:     (void)strcpy(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR],"red");
3749:     (void)strcpy(color[DIATOM_COLOR],"GreenYellow");
3750:     (void)strcpy(color[RAD_COLOR],"white");
3751:     (void)strcpy(color[FORAM_COLOR],"DarkOrange");
3752:     (void)strcpy(color[NANNO_COLOR],"turquoise");
3753:     (void)strcpy(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR],"LightSkyBlue");
3754:     (void)strcpy(color[BESTCORR_COLOR],"yellow");
3755:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR],"white");
3756:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR],"pink");
3757:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR],"green");
3758:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR],"yellow");
3759:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR],"blue");
3760:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR],"orange");
3761:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR],"violet");
3762:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR],"red");
3763:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR],"brown");
3764:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR],"turquoise");
3765:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR],"DarkGreen");
3766:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR],"lightBlue");
3767:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], "yellow");
3768:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], "red");
3769:     (void)strcpy(color[SEDRATE_COLOR], "green");
3770:     (void)strcpy(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], "yellow");
3771:     (void)strcpy(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], "DarkOrange");
3772:   }
3773:   else if(colorset == SANTAFE_COLORSET) {
3774:     (void)strcpy(color[BG_COLOR],"IndianRed");
3775:     (void)strcpy(color[LABEL_COLOR],"black");
3776:     (void)strcpy(color[MBSF_COLOR],"DarkGreen");
3777:     (void)strcpy(color[MCD_COLOR],"SteelBlue");
3778:     (void)strcpy(color[SMOOTH_COLOR],"MistyRose");
3779:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICE_COLOR],"HotPink");
3780:     (void)strcpy(color[SPLICELOCATION_COLOR],"yellow");
3781:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTFIXED_COLOR],"red");
3782:     (void)strcpy(color[TIEPTSHIFT_COLOR],"green");
3783:     (void)strcpy(color[TIELINE_COLOR],"purple");
3784:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYINCORR_COLOR],"red");
3785:     (void)strcpy(color[OVERLAYOUTCORR_COLOR],"LightPink");
3786:     (void)strcpy(color[PALEOMAG_COLOR],"red");
3787:     (void)strcpy(color[DIATOM_COLOR],"white");
3788:     (void)strcpy(color[RAD_COLOR],"DarkSeaGreen");
3789:     (void)strcpy(color[FORAM_COLOR],"DeepPink");
3790:     (void)strcpy(color[NANNO_COLOR],"CornflowerBlue");
3791:     (void)strcpy(color[CORRCOEF_COLOR],"blue");
3792:     (void)strcpy(color[BESTCORR_COLOR],"yellow");
3793:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFLINE_COLOR],"black");
3794:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE1_COLOR],"DarkTurquoise");
3795:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE2_COLOR],"LimeGreen");
3796:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE3_COLOR],"yellow");
3797:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE4_COLOR],"blue");
3798:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE5_COLOR],"orange");
3799:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE6_COLOR],"violet");
3800:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE7_COLOR],"red");
3801:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE8_COLOR],"brown");
3802:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE9_COLOR],"purple");
3803:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE10_COLOR],"darkgreen");
3804:     (void)strcpy(color[DEPOFFHOLE11_COLOR],"DarkKhaki");
3805:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPHANDPICK_COLOR], "yellow");
3806:     (void)strcpy(color[AGEDEPLINE_COLOR], "black");
3807:     (void)strcpy(color[SEDRATE_COLOR], "MediumSeaGreen");
3808:     (void)strcpy(color[DATUMLOC_COLOR], "gold");
3809:     (void)strcpy(color[TIMESERIES_COLOR], "turquoise");
3810:   }
3811:   else if(colorset == CUSTOME_COLORSET) {
3812:     for(i=0; i<NCOLOR; ++i) {
3813:       (void)sprintf(color[i], "");
3814:       (void)strcpy(color[i], cust_color[i]);
3815:     }
3816:   }
3817:   else {
3819:   }
3820: }
3822: void SetColorSetBGandFG()
3823: {
3824: Pixel fgP, bgP;
3826:   /* get the custom color dialog's foreground and background colors
3827:   */
3828:   XtVaGetValues(formSetColor, XmNbackground, &bgP, NULL);
3829:   XtVaGetValues(formSetColor, XmNforeground, &fgP, NULL);
3831:   /* set all the color set buttons to the parents background and
3832:      foreground colors
3833:   */
3834:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetEarth, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3835:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCorporate, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3836:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetMaritime, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3837:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetSantaFe, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3838:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetODP, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3839:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCustome, XmNbackground, bgP, NULL);
3840:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetEarth, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3841:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCorporate, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3842:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetMaritime, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3843:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetSantaFe, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3844:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetODP, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3845:   XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCustome, XmNforeground, fgP, NULL);
3847:   /* now set the background color of button of current colorset using 
3848:      to the drawingarea background color abd the button label colors
3849:      to the general label color
3850:   */
3851:   if(colorset == EARTH_COLORSET) {
3852:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetEarth, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3853:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetEarth, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3854:   }
3855:   else if(colorset == CORPORATE_COLORSET) {
3856:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCorporate, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3857:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCorporate, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3858:   }
3859:   else if(colorset == MARITIME_COLORSET) {
3860:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetMaritime, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3861:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetMaritime, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3862:   }
3863:   else if(colorset == SANTAFE_COLORSET) {
3864:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetSantaFe, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3865:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetSantaFe, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3866:   }
3867:   else if(colorset == ODP_COLORSET) {
3868:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetODP, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3869:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetODP, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3870:   }
3871:   else if(colorset == CUSTOME_COLORSET) {
3872:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCustome, XmNbackground, bgPixel, NULL);
3873:     XtVaSetValues(pushButtonColorSetCustome, XmNforeground, fgPixel[LABEL_COLOR], NULL);
3874:   }
3875: }
3877: int FindSpliceAveAge(pdt)
3878: float *pdt;
3879: {
3880:   int i, j, n;
3881:   float sumaveage;
3883:   n = 0;
3884:   sumaveage = 0.0;
3885:   for(i=0; i<spcomp.numcores; ++i) {
3886:     for(j=0; j<spcomp.numpercore[i]-1; ++j) {
3887:       sumaveage = sumaveage + spcomp.age[i][j+1] - spcomp.age[i][j];
3888:       ++n;
3889:     }
3890:   }
3891:   if(n > 0 && sumaveage > 0.0) {
3892:     *pdt = sumaveage/n;
3893:   }
3894:   else {
3895:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"Warning: could not calculate the average time step for this data set.");
3896:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
3897:   }
3898:   return 0;
3899: }  
3901: int InterpolateTiePtValue(n, depth, value, targetdep, intval, place)
3902: int n, *place;
3903: float *depth, *value, targetdep, *intval;
3904: {
3905:   int i;
3907:   /* depth type not important
3908:   */
3910:   if(targetdep < depth[0] || targetdep > depth[n-1]) {
3911:   }
3912:   else {
3913:     *place = -1;
3914:     if(n > 1) {
3915:       for(i=0; i<n-1; ++i) {
3916:         if(targetdep >= depth[i] && targetdep <= depth[i+1]) {
3917:           *intval = value[i] + (value[i+1] - value[i])/(depth[i+1] - depth[i]) * (targetdep - depth[i]);
3918:           *place = i;
3919:           break;
3920:         }
3921:       }
3922:     }
3923:     if(*place != -1) {
3924:       return 0;
3925:     }
3926:   }
3927:   return 1;
3928: }
3930: int XAxisTimeCorrSetup(lead, dt, len, tic, ntic, perpix, max)
3931: int    lead;
3932: float  dt;
3933: int    *len;
3934: float  *tic;
3935: int    *ntic;
3936: float  *perpix;
3937: float  *max;
3938: {
3939:   float  leadlagmyrs;
3940:   double fract, check, ip;
3941:   String str;
3943:   str= XmTextGetString(textFieldSpliceToAgeLeadLag);
3944:   leadlagmyrs = atof(str);
3945:   XtFree(str);
3947:   check = *len;
3948:   if(leadlagmyrs  <= 0.01){
3949:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
3950:     if(fract == 0.0){
3951:     }
3952:     else if(fract < 0.5){
3953:       *len = ip * 5.0;
3954:     }
3955:     else {
3956:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
3957:     }
3958:     *tic=0.002;
3959:     *ntic=10;
3960:     *perpix=0.01/(*len);
3961:     *max=0.01;
3962:   }
3963:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.02){
3964:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
3965:     if(fract == 0.0){
3966:     }
3967:     else if(fract < 0.5){
3968:       *len = ip * 4.0;
3969:     }
3970:     else {
3971:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
3972:     }
3973:     *tic=0.005;
3974:     *ntic=8;
3975:     *perpix=0.02/(*len);
3976:     *max=0.02;
3977:   }
3978:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.03){
3979:     fract = modf((check/6.0), &ip);
3980:     if(fract == 0.0){
3981:     }
3982:     else if(fract < 0.5){
3983:       *len = ip * 6.0;
3984:     }
3985:     else {
3986:       *len = (ip * 6.0) + 6.0;
3987:     }
3988:     *tic=0.005;
3989:     *ntic=12;
3990:     *perpix=0.03/(*len);
3991:     *max=0.03;
3992:   }
3993:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.04){
3994:     fract = modf((check/4.0), &ip);
3995:     if(fract == 0.0){
3996:     }
3997:     else if(fract < 0.5){
3998:       *len = ip * 4.0;
3999:     }
4000:     else {
4001:       *len = (ip * 4.0) + 4.0;
4002:     }
4003:     *tic=0.01;
4004:     *ntic=8;
4005:     *perpix=0.04/(*len);
4006:     *max=0.04;
4007:   }
4008:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.05){
4009:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4010:     if(fract == 0.0){
4011:     }
4012:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4013:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4014:     }
4015:     else {
4016:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4017:     }
4018:     *tic=0.01;
4019:     *ntic=10;
4020:     *perpix=0.05/(*len);
4021:     *max=0.05;
4022:   }
4023:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.06){
4024:     fract = modf((check/3.0), &ip);
4025:     if(fract == 0.0){
4026:     }
4027:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4028:       *len = ip * 3.0;
4029:     }
4030:     else {
4031:       *len = (ip * 3.0) + 3.0;
4032:     }
4033:     *tic=0.02;
4034:     *ntic=6;
4035:     *perpix=0.05/(*len);
4036:     *max=0.05;
4037:   }
4038: /*
4039:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.07){
4040:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4041:     if(fract == 0.0){
4042:     }
4043:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4044:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4045:     }
4046:     else {
4047:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4048:     }
4049:     *tic=1.0;
4050:     *ntic=10;
4051:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4052:     *max=5.0;
4053:   }
4054:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.08){
4055:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4056:     if(fract == 0.0){
4057:     }
4058:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4059:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4060:     }
4061:     else {
4062:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4063:     }
4064:     *tic=1.0;
4065:     *ntic=10;
4066:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4067:     *max=5.0;
4068:   }
4069:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.09){
4070:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4071:     if(fract == 0.0){
4072:     }
4073:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4074:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4075:     }
4076:     else {
4077:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4078:     }
4079:     *tic=1.0;
4080:     *ntic=10;
4081:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4082:     *max=5.0;
4083:   }
4084:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 0.1){
4085:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4086:     if(fract == 0.0){
4087:     }
4088:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4089:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4090:     }
4091:     else {
4092:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4093:     }
4094:     *tic=1.0;
4095:     *ntic=10;
4096:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4097:     *max=5.0;
4098:   }
4099:   else if(leadlagmyrs > 0.1 && leadlagmyrs <= 0.25){
4100:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4101:     if(fract == 0.0){
4102:     }
4103:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4104:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4105:     }
4106:     else {
4107:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4108:     }
4109:     *tic=1.0;
4110:     *ntic=10;
4111:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4112:     *max=5.0;
4113:   }
4114:   else if(leadlagmyrs > 0.25 && leadlagmyrs <= 0.5){
4115:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4116:     if(fract == 0.0){
4117:     }
4118:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4119:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4120:     }
4121:     else {
4122:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4123:     }
4124:     *tic=1.0;
4125:     *ntic=10;
4126:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4127:     *max=5.0;
4128:   }
4129:   else if(leadlagmyrs <= 1.0){
4130:     fract = modf((check/5.0), &ip);
4131:     if(fract == 0.0){
4132:     }
4133:     else if(fract < 0.5){
4134:       *len = ip * 5.0;
4135:     }
4136:     else {
4137:       *len = (ip * 5.0) + 5.0;
4138:     }
4139:     *tic=1.0;
4140:     *ntic=10;
4141:     *perpix=5.0/(*len);
4142:     *max=5.0;
4143:   }
4144: */
4145:   else {
4146:     return 1;
4147:   }
4149:   return 0;
4150: }

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