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file:c:/local/Cygwin/usr/X11R6/include/Xm/Text.h        (Tue Mar 30 23:22:42 2004 )

   1: /**
   2:  *
   3:  * $Id: Text.h,v 1.4 2000/11/11 08:12:28 amai Exp $
   4:  *
   5:  * Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   6:  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 LessTif Development Team
   7:  *
   8:  * This file is part of the GNU LessTif Library.
   9:  *
  10:  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  11:  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
  12:  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  13:  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  14:  *
  15:  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  16:  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  18:  * Library General Public License for more details.
  19:  *
  20:  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
  21:  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
  22:  * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  23:  *
  24:  **/
  26: #ifndef _XM_TEXT_H
  27: #define _XM_TEXT_H
  29: #include <Xm/Xm.h>
  31: #ifdef __cplusplus
  32: extern "C" {
  33: #endif
  35: extern WidgetClass xmTextWidgetClass;
  37: typedef struct _XmTextRec *XmTextWidget;
  38: typedef struct _XmTextClassRec *XmTextWidgetClass;
  40: extern Widget XmCreateText(Widget parent,
  41:           char *name,
  42:           Arg *arglist,
  43:           Cardinal argCount);
  45: extern Widget XmCreateScrolledText(Widget parent,
  46:            char *name,
  47:            Arg *arglist,
  48:            Cardinal argcount);
  50: #ifndef XmIsText
  51: #define XmIsText(w) XtIsSubclass((w), xmTextWidgetClass)
  52: #endif
  54: typedef struct _XmTextSourceRec *XmTextSource;
  56: void XmTextClearSelection(Widget widget, Time time);
  57: Boolean XmTextCopy(Widget widget, Time time);
  58: Boolean XmTextCut(Widget widget, Time time);
  59: void XmTextDisableRedisplay(Widget widget);
  60: void XmTextEnableRedisplay(Widget widget);
  61: Boolean XmTextFindString(Widget widget, XmTextPosition start, char *string, 
  62:        XmTextDirection direction, XmTextPosition *position);
  63: Boolean XmTextFindStringWcs(Widget widget, XmTextPosition start, wchar_t *wcstring, 
  64:           XmTextDirection direction, XmTextPosition *position);
  65: int XmTextGetBaseline(Widget widget);
  66: XmTextPosition XmTextGetCursorPosition(Widget widget);
  67: Boolean XmTextGetEditable(Widget widget);
  68: XmTextPosition XmTextGetInsertionPosition(Widget widget);
  69: XmTextPosition XmTextGetLastPosition(Widget widget);
  70: int XmTextGetMaxLength(Widget widget);
  71: char *XmTextGetSelection(Widget widget);
  72: Boolean XmTextGetSelectionPosition(Widget widget, XmTextPosition *left, XmTextPosition *right);
  73: wchar_t *XmTextGetSelectionWcs(Widget widget);
  74: XmTextSource XmTextGetSource(Widget widget);
  75: char *XmTextGetString(Widget widget);
  76: wchar_t *XmTextGetStringWcs(Widget widget);
  77: int XmTextGetSubstring(Widget widget, XmTextPosition start, int num_chars, int buffer_size,
  78:            char *buffer);
  79: int XmTextGetSubstringWcs(Widget widget, XmTextPosition start, int num_chars, int buffer_size,
  80:         wchar_t *buffer);
  81: XmTextPosition XmTextGetTopCharacter(Widget widget);
  82: void XmTextInsert(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position, char *string);
  83: void XmTextInsertWcs(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position, wchar_t *wcstring);
  84: Boolean XmTextPaste(Widget widget);
  85: Boolean XmTextPosToXY(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position, Position *x, Position *y);
  86: Boolean XmTextRemove(Widget widget);
  87: void XmTextReplace(Widget widget, XmTextPosition from_pos, XmTextPosition to_pos,
  88:        char *value);
  89: void XmTextReplaceWcs(Widget widget, XmTextPosition from_pos, XmTextPosition to_pos,
  90:           wchar_t *wcstring);
  91: void XmTextScroll(Widget widget, int lines);
  92: void XmTextSetAddMode(Widget widget, Boolean state);
  93: void XmTextSetCursorPosition(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position);
  94: void XmTextSetEditable(Widget widget, Boolean editable);
  95: void XmTextSetHighlight(Widget widget, XmTextPosition left, XmTextPosition right, XmHighlightMode mode);
  96: void XmTextSetInsertionPosition(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position);
  97: void XmTextSetMaxLength(Widget widget, int max_length);
  98: void XmTextSetSelection(Widget widget, XmTextPosition first, XmTextPosition last, Time time);
  99: void XmTextSetSource(Widget widget, XmTextSource source, XmTextPosition top_character, XmTextPosition cursor_position);
 100: void XmTextSetString(Widget widget, char *value);
 101: void XmTextSetStringWcs(Widget widget, wchar_t *wcstring);
 102: void XmTextSetTopCharacter(Widget widget, XmTextPosition top_character);
 103: void XmTextShowPosition(Widget widget, XmTextPosition position);
 104: XmTextPosition XmTextXYToPos(Widget widget, Position x, Position y);
 106: #if XmVERSION >= 2
 107: Boolean XmTextCopyLink(Widget widget,
 108:                        Time time);
 109: #endif
 111: #ifdef __cplusplus
 112: }
 113: #endif
 115: #endif /* _XM_TEXT_H */

Html form generated by Xrefactory version 1.6.7 on Fri Sep 03 17:18:59 2004