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file:d:/code/LRC/Splicer/splicer_code_ver2.2/hsplicer-callbacks-c.c        (Tue Mar 14 16:28:58 2000 )

   1: /*
   2:  * Generated by the ICS builderXcessory (BX).
   3:  *
   4:  *
   5:  * Builder Xcessory 3.0.
   6:  *
   7:  */
   8: #include <Xm/Xm.h>
  10: /*
  11:  * Standard includes for builtins.
  12:  */
  13: #include <stdio.h>
  14: #include <string.h>
  15: #include <ctype.h>
  16: #include "hsplicer-creation-c.h"
  17: #include "splicer_defs.h"
  18: #include <Xm/Form.h>
  19: #include <Xm/Text.h>
  20: #include <Xm/PushB.h>
  21: #include <Xm/Separator.h>
  24: /*
  25:  * Macros to make code look nicer between ANSI and K&R.
  26:  */
  27: #ifndef ARGLIST
  28: #if (NeedFunctionPrototypes == 0)
  29: #define PROTOTYPE(p)  ()
  30: #define ARGLIST(p)  p
  31: #define ARG(a, b) a b;
  32: #define GRA(a, b) a b;
  33: #define UARG(a, b)      a b;
  34: #define GRAU(a, b)      a b;
  35: #else
  36: #define PROTOTYPE(p)  p
  37: #define ARGLIST(p)  (
  38: #define ARG(a, b) a b,
  39: #define GRA(a, b) a b)
  40: #ifdef __cplusplus
  41: #define UARG(a, b)      a,
  42: #define GRAU(a, b)      a)
  43: #else
  44: #define UARG(a, b)      a b,
  45: #define GRAU(a, b)      a b)
  46: #endif
  47: #endif
  48: #endif
  50: Widget    BxFindTopShell PROTOTYPE((Widget));
  51: WidgetList  BxWidgetIdsFromNames PROTOTYPE((Widget, char*, char*));
  53: #define MAXBUFFER (100)
  54: char  filename[200];
  55: char  *printstring,*getenv();
  56: void SpManageWarningBox(),free(),*calloc(),*realloc();
  60: /*      Function Name:  BxExitCB
  61:  *
  62:  *      Description:    This functions expects an integer to be passed in
  63:  *            client data.  It calls the exit() system call with
  64:  *      the integer value as the argument to the function.
  65:  *
  66:  *      Arguments:      Widget    w:  the activating widget.
  67:  *      XtPointer client: the integer exit value.
  68:  *      XtPointer call: the call data (unused).
  69:  */
  71: /* ARGSUSED */
  72: void
  73: BxExitCB ARGLIST((w, client, call))
  74: UARG( Widget, w)
  75: ARG( XtPointer, client)
  76: GRAU( XtPointer, call)
  77: {
  78:     int   exitValue = (int)client;
  79:   void  exit();
  81:   if(printstring) free(printstring);
  82:     exit(exitValue);
  83: }
  85: /* ARGSUSED */
  86: void
  87: HssaveCB(w, client, call)
  88: Widget w;
  89: XtPointer client;
  90: XtPointer call;
  91: {
  92:   FILE  *fptr_out;
  93:   char  outfile[200],buffer[500];
  95:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
  96:   XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *filebox=(XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct*)call;
  97:   (void)strcpy(outfile,XmCvtXmStringToCT(filebox->value));
  98:   if((fptr_out=fopen(outfile,"w"))==NULL)
  99:   {
 100:     (void)sprintf("Error opening help output file %s.",outfile);
 101:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 102:   }
 103:   else
 104:   {
 105:     (void)fputs((char*)XmTextGetString(textHelp),fptr_out);
 106:     fclose(fptr_out);
 107:   }
 108: }
 110: /* ARGSUSED */
 111: void
 112: HsprintCB(w, client, call)
 113: Widget w;
 114: XtPointer client;
 115: XtPointer call;
 116: {
 117:   void  XmTextFieldSetString();
 119:   if(!printstring)
 120:   {
 121:     printstring=(char*)calloc(500,sizeof(char));
 122:     (void)sprintf(printstring,"lpr -rP%s",getenv("PRINTER"));
 123:   }
 124:   XmTextFieldSetString(textFieldPrint,printstring);
 125:   XtManageChild(formPrint);
 126: }
 127: /*      Function Name:  BxUnmanageCB
 128:  *
 129:  *      Description:    Given a string of the form:
 130:  *            "(WL)[widgetName, widgetName, ...]"
 131:  *      BxUnmanageCB attempts to convert the name to a Widget
 132:  *      ID and unmanage the widget.
 133:  *
 134:  *      Arguments:      Widget      w:      the widget activating the callback.
 135:  *            XtPointer   client: the list of widget names to attempt
 136:  *              to find and unmanage.
 137:  *            XtPointer   call:   the call data (unused).
 138:  *
 139:  *      Notes:        * This function expects that there is an application
 140:  *            shell from which all other widgets are descended.
 141:  */
 143: /* ARGSUSED */
 144: void
 145: BxUnmanageCB ARGLIST((w, client, call))
 146: ARG( Widget, w)
 147: ARG( XtPointer, client)
 148: GRAU( XtPointer, call)
 149: {
 150:     WidgetList    widgets;
 151:     int     i;
 153:     /*
 154:      * This function returns a NULL terminated WidgetList.  The memory for
 155:      * the list needs to be freed when it is no longer needed.
 156:      */
 157:     widgets = BxWidgetIdsFromNames(w, "BxUnmanageCB", (String)client);
 159:     i = 0;
 160:     while( widgets && widgets[i] != NULL )
 161:     {
 162:   XtUnmanageChild(widgets[i]);
 163:   i++;
 164:     }
 165:     XtFree((char *)widgets);
 166: }
 167: /*      Function Name:  BxManageCB
 168:  *
 169:  *      Description:    Given a string of the form:
 170:  *            "(WL)[widgetName, widgetName, ...]"
 171:  *      BxManageCB attempts to convert the name to a Widget
 172:  *      ID and manage the widget.
 173:  *
 174:  *      Arguments:      Widget      w:      the widget activating the callback.
 175:  *            XtPointer   client: the list of widget names to attempt
 176:  *              to find and manage.
 177:  *            XtPointer   call:   the call data (unused).
 178:  *
 179:  *      Notes:        * This function expects that there is an application
 180:  *            shell from which all other widgets are descended.
 181:  */
 183: /* ARGSUSED */
 184: void
 185: BxManageCB ARGLIST((w, client, call))
 186: ARG( Widget, w)
 187: ARG( XtPointer, client)
 188: GRAU( XtPointer, call)
 189: {
 190:     WidgetList    widgets;
 191:     int     i;
 193:     /*
 194:      * This function returns a NULL terminated WidgetList.  The memory for
 195:      * the list needs to be freed when it is no longer needed.
 196:      */
 197:     widgets = BxWidgetIdsFromNames(w, "BxManageCB", (String)client);
 199:     i = 0;
 200:     while( widgets && widgets[i] != NULL )
 201:     {
 202:   XtManageChild(widgets[i]);
 203:   i++;
 204:     }
 205:     XtFree((char *)widgets);
 206: }
 208: /*      Function Name:  DestroyWidget
 209:  *
 210:  *      Description:    When called, destroys the widget passed to it
 211:  *              as client data.  This is used by the BXHelpCB function.
 212:  *
 213:  *      Arguments:      Widget      w:  the activating widget.
 214:  *          XtPointer   client: the widget to destroy
 215:  *          XtPointer   call:   the call data (unused).
 216:  */
 218: /* ARGSUSED */
 219: static void
 220: DestroyWidget ARGLIST((w, client, call))
 221: UARG( Widget, w)
 222: ARG( XtPointer, client)
 223: GRAU( XtPointer, call)
 224: {
 225:     XtDestroyWidget((Widget)client);
 226: }
 228: /*      Function Name:  BxHelpCB
 229:  *
 230:  *      Description:    This functions expects a string to be passed as
 231:  *              client data.  It creates and manages a dialog with a Text
 232:  *          widget to display the string and a Dismiss button. The dialog
 233:  *          is destroyed when it is dismissed.
 234:  *
 235:  *      Arguments:      Widget      w:  the activating widget.
 236:  *          XtPointer   client: the string to display
 237:  *          XtPointer   call:   the call data (unused).
 238:  */
 240: /* ARGSUSED */
 241: void
 242: BxHelpCB ARGLIST((w, client, call))
 243: ARG( Widget, w)
 244: ARG( XtPointer, client)
 245: GRAU( XtPointer, call)
 246: {
 247:     String text = (String) client;
 248:     Widget formDialog = XmCreateFormDialog(w, "formDialog", NULL, 0);
 249:     Widget textWidget = XmCreateText(formDialog, "textWidget",  NULL, 0);
 250:     Widget separator = XmCreateSeparator(formDialog, "separator", NULL, 0);
 251:     Widget dismiss = XmCreatePushButton(formDialog, "dismiss", NULL, 0);
 252:     String dismiss_label = "Dismiss";
 254:     XtVaSetValues(XtParent(formDialog), XmNtitle, "HelpText", NULL);
 256:     XtVaSetValues(textWidget,
 257:         XmNvalue, text,
 258:         XmNeditable, False,
 259:         XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 260:         XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
 261:         XmNbottomWidget, separator,
 262:         XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 263:         XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 264:         XmNwordWrap, True,
 265:         XmNeditMode, XmMULTI_LINE_EDIT,
 266:         XmNwidth, 250,
 267:         XmNheight, 100,
 268:         NULL);
 270:     XtVaSetValues(separator,
 271:         XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
 272:         XmNbottomWidget, dismiss,
 273:         XmNbottomOffset, 10,
 274:         XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 275:         XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 276:         NULL);
 278:     XtVaSetValues(dismiss,
 279:         XtVaTypedArg, XmNlabelString, XmRString,
 280:                 dismiss_label, strlen(dismiss_label)+1,
 281:         XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
 282:         XmNbottomOffset, 10,
 283:         XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
 284:         XmNleftPosition, 25,
 285:         XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
 286:         XmNrightPosition, 75,
 287:         NULL);
 289:     XtAddCallback(dismiss, XmNactivateCallback, DestroyWidget,
 290:             (XtPointer)XtParent(formDialog));
 292:     XtManageChild(textWidget);
 293:     XtManageChild(separator);
 294:     XtManageChild(dismiss);
 295:     XtManageChild(formDialog);
 296: }
 298: /* ARGSUSED */
 299: void
 300: HsHelpTopicCB(w, client, call)
 301: Widget w;
 302: XtPointer client;
 303: XtPointer call;
 304: {
 305:   FILE  *fptr;
 306:   char  buffer[MAXBUFFER],*helptext;
 307:   int len_allocated;
 309:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
 310:       String name = (String) client;
 311:   (void)sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",getenv("SPLICER_HELPFILES_PATH"),name);
 313:   if((fptr=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL)
 314:   {
 315:     (void)sprintf(buffer,"Error opening help topic file %s",filename);
 316:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 317:   }
 318:   else
 319:   {
 320:     helptext=(char*)calloc(len_allocated=ALLOC_INT,sizeof(char));
 321:     helptext[0]='\0';
 322:     while(fgets(buffer,MAXBUFFER,fptr)!=NULL)
 323:     {
 324:       if((int)strlen(buffer)+(int)strlen(helptext)>=len_allocated)
 325:       {
 326:         helptext=(char*)realloc(helptext,(len_allocated+ALLOC_INT)*sizeof(char));
 327:         len_allocated+=ALLOC_INT;
 328:       }
 329:       (void)strcat(helptext,buffer);
 330:     }
 331:     fclose(fptr);
 332:     XtVaSetValues(textHelp,XmNvalue,helptext,NULL);
 333:     free(helptext);
 334:   }
 335: }
 337: void SpManageWarningBox(message)
 338: char    *message;
 339: {
 340:       XtVaSetValues(messageBoxError,XmNmessageString,XmStringCreateLocalized(message),NULL);
 341:         XtManageChild(messageBoxError);
 342: }
 346: /* ARGSUSED */
 347: void
 348: HsPrintOKCB(w, client, call)
 349: Widget w;
 350: XtPointer client;
 351: XtPointer call;
 352: {
 353:   FILE  *fptr;
 354:   char  buffer[500],tmpfile[500];
 355:   int system();
 357:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
 359:   /* make temporary file of help text */
 360:   if((fptr=fopen(tmpnam(tmpfile),"w"))==NULL)
 361:   {
 362:     (void)sprintf("Error opening temporary file for printing %s.",tmpfile);
 363:     SpManageWarningBox(buffer);
 364:   }
 365:   else
 366:   {
 367:     (void)fputs((char*)XmTextGetString(textHelp),fptr);
 368:     fclose(fptr);
 369:   }
 371:   /* get printer name from environment and send command */
 372:   printstring=XmTextGetString(textFieldPrint);
 373:   (void)strcpy(buffer,printstring);
 374:   (void)strcat(buffer," ");
 375:   (void)strcat(buffer,tmpfile);
 376:   system(buffer);
 377: }
 379: /* ARGSUSED */
 380: void
 381: HsTextHelpCer(w, client, call)
 382: Widget w;
 383: XtPointer client;
 384: XtPointer call;
 385: {
 386:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
 387: }
 389: /* ARGSUSED */
 390: void
 391: HsTextHelpCreateCB(w, client, call)
 392: Widget w;
 393: XtPointer client;
 394: XtPointer call;
 395: {
 396:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
 397:   char  buffer[MAXBUFFER],*helptext;
 398:   int len_allocated;
 400:   /*SUPPRESS 594*/
 401:   helptext=(char*)calloc(len_allocated=ALLOC_INT,sizeof(char));
 402:   helptext[0]='\0';
 403:   while(fgets(buffer,MAXBUFFER,stdin)!=NULL)
 404:   {
 405:     if((int)strlen(buffer)+(int)strlen(helptext)>=len_allocated)
 406:     {
 407:       helptext=(char*)realloc(helptext,(len_allocated+ALLOC_INT)*sizeof(char));
 408:       len_allocated+=ALLOC_INT;
 409:     }
 410:     (void)strcat(helptext,buffer);
 411:   }
 412:   XtVaSetValues(textHelp,XmNvalue,helptext,NULL);
 413:   free(helptext);
 414: }

Html form generated by Xrefactory version 1.6.7 on Fri Sep 03 17:18:59 2004