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file:c:/local/Cygwin/usr/include/sys/fcntl.h        (Tue May 25 21:07:26 2004 )

   2: #ifndef _FCNTL_
   3: #ifdef __cplusplus
   4: extern "C" {
   5: #endif
   6: #define _FCNTL_
   7: #include <_ansi.h>
   8: #define _FOPEN    (-1)  /* from sys/file.h, kernel use only */
   9: #define _FREAD    0x0001  /* read enabled */
  10: #define _FWRITE   0x0002  /* write enabled */
  11: #define _FAPPEND  0x0008  /* append (writes guaranteed at the end) */
  12: #define _FMARK    0x0010  /* internal; mark during gc() */
  13: #define _FDEFER   0x0020  /* internal; defer for next gc pass */
  14: #define _FASYNC   0x0040  /* signal pgrp when data ready */
  15: #define _FSHLOCK  0x0080  /* BSD flock() shared lock present */
  16: #define _FEXLOCK  0x0100  /* BSD flock() exclusive lock present */
  17: #define _FCREAT   0x0200  /* open with file create */
  18: #define _FTRUNC   0x0400  /* open with truncation */
  19: #define _FEXCL    0x0800  /* error on open if file exists */
  20: #define _FNBIO    0x1000  /* non blocking I/O (sys5 style) */
  21: #define _FSYNC    0x2000  /* do all writes synchronously */
  22: #define _FNONBLOCK  0x4000  /* non blocking I/O (POSIX style) */
  23: #define _FNDELAY  _FNONBLOCK  /* non blocking I/O (4.2 style) */
  24: #define _FNOCTTY  0x8000  /* don't assign a ctty on this open */
  28: /*
  29:  * Flag values for open(2) and fcntl(2)
  30:  * The kernel adds 1 to the open modes to turn it into some
  31:  * combination of FREAD and FWRITE.
  32:  */
  33: #define O_RDONLY  0   /* +1 == FREAD */
  34: #define O_WRONLY  1   /* +1 == FWRITE */
  35: #define O_RDWR    2   /* +1 == FREAD|FWRITE */
  36: #define O_APPEND  _FAPPEND
  37: #define O_CREAT   _FCREAT
  38: #define O_TRUNC   _FTRUNC
  39: #define O_EXCL    _FEXCL
  40: /*  O_SYNC    _FSYNC    not posix, defined below */
  41: /*  O_NDELAY  _FNDELAY  set in include/fcntl.h */
  42: /*  O_NDELAY  _FNBIO    set in 5include/fcntl.h */
  43: #define O_NONBLOCK  _FNONBLOCK
  44: #define O_NOCTTY  _FNOCTTY
  45: /* For machines which care - */
  46: #if defined (_WIN32) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
  47: #define _FBINARY        0x10000
  48: #define _FTEXT          0x20000
  49: #define _FNOINHERIT 0x40000
  51: #define O_BINARY  _FBINARY
  52: #define O_TEXT    _FTEXT
  55: /* The windows header files define versions with a leading underscore.  */
  56: #define _O_RDONLY O_RDONLY
  57: #define _O_WRONLY O_WRONLY
  58: #define _O_RDWR   O_RDWR
  59: #define _O_APPEND O_APPEND
  60: #define _O_CREAT  O_CREAT
  61: #define _O_TRUNC  O_TRUNC
  62: #define _O_EXCL   O_EXCL
  63: #define _O_TEXT   O_TEXT
  64: #define _O_BINARY O_BINARY
  65: #define _O_RAW    O_BINARY
  67: #endif
  69: #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
  71: #define O_SYNC    _FSYNC
  73: /*
  74:  * Flags that work for fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FXXXX)
  75:  */
  76: #define FAPPEND   _FAPPEND
  77: #define FSYNC   _FSYNC
  78: #define FASYNC    _FASYNC
  79: #define FNBIO   _FNBIO
  80: #define FNONBIO   _FNONBLOCK  /* XXX fix to be NONBLOCK everywhere */
  81: #define FNDELAY   _FNDELAY
  83: /*
  84:  * Flags that are disallowed for fcntl's (FCNTLCANT);
  85:  * used for opens, internal state, or locking.
  86:  */
  87: #define FREAD   _FREAD
  88: #define FWRITE    _FWRITE
  89: #define FMARK   _FMARK
  90: #define FDEFER    _FDEFER
  91: #define FSHLOCK   _FSHLOCK
  92: #define FEXLOCK   _FEXLOCK
  94: /*
  95:  * The rest of the flags, used only for opens
  96:  */
  97: #define FOPEN   _FOPEN
  98: #define FCREAT    _FCREAT
  99: #define FTRUNC    _FTRUNC
 100: #define FEXCL   _FEXCL
 101: #define FNOCTTY   _FNOCTTY
 103: #endif  /* !_POSIX_SOURCE */
 105: /* XXX close on exec request; must match UF_EXCLOSE in user.h */
 106: #define FD_CLOEXEC  1 /* posix */
 108: /* fcntl(2) requests */
 109: #define F_DUPFD   0 /* Duplicate fildes */
 110: #define F_GETFD   1 /* Get fildes flags (close on exec) */
 111: #define F_SETFD   2 /* Set fildes flags (close on exec) */
 112: #define F_GETFL   3 /* Get file flags */
 113: #define F_SETFL   4 /* Set file flags */
 114: #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
 115: #define F_GETOWN  5 /* Get owner - for ASYNC */
 116: #define F_SETOWN  6 /* Set owner - for ASYNC */
 117: #endif  /* !_POSIX_SOURCE */
 118: #define F_GETLK   7 /* Get record-locking information */
 119: #define F_SETLK   8 /* Set or Clear a record-lock (Non-Blocking) */
 120: #define F_SETLKW  9 /* Set or Clear a record-lock (Blocking) */
 121: #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
 122: #define F_RGETLK  10  /* Test a remote lock to see if it is blocked */
 123: #define F_RSETLK  11  /* Set or unlock a remote lock */
 124: #define F_CNVT    12  /* Convert a fhandle to an open fd */
 125: #define F_RSETLKW   13  /* Set or Clear remote record-lock(Blocking) */
 126: #endif  /* !_POSIX_SOURCE */
 128: /* fcntl(2) flags (l_type field of flock structure) */
 129: #define F_RDLCK   1 /* read lock */
 130: #define F_WRLCK   2 /* write lock */
 131: #define F_UNLCK   3 /* remove lock(s) */
 132: #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
 133: #define F_UNLKSYS 4 /* remove remote locks for a given system */
 134: #endif  /* !_POSIX_SOURCE */
 136: /*#include <sys/stdtypes.h>*/
 138: #ifndef __CYGWIN__
 139: /* file segment locking set data type - information passed to system by user */
 140: struct flock {
 141:   short l_type;   /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, or F_UNLCK */
 142:   short l_whence; /* flag to choose starting offset */
 143:   long  l_start;  /* relative offset, in bytes */
 144:   long  l_len;    /* length, in bytes; 0 means lock to EOF */
 145:   short l_pid;    /* returned with F_GETLK */
 146:   short l_xxx;    /* reserved for future use */
 147: };
 148: #endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
 150: #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
 151: /* extended file segment locking set data type */
 152: struct eflock {
 153:   short l_type;   /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, or F_UNLCK */
 154:   short l_whence; /* flag to choose starting offset */
 155:   long  l_start;  /* relative offset, in bytes */
 156:   long  l_len;    /* length, in bytes; 0 means lock to EOF */
 157:   short l_pid;    /* returned with F_GETLK */
 158:   short l_xxx;    /* reserved for future use */
 159:   long  l_rpid;   /* Remote process id wanting this lock */
 160:   long  l_rsys;   /* Remote system id wanting this lock */
 161: };
 162: #endif  /* !_POSIX_SOURCE */
 165: #include <sys/types.h>
 166: #include <sys/stat.h>   /* sigh. for the mode bits for open/creat */
 168: extern int open _PARAMS ((const char *, int, ...));
 169: extern int creat _PARAMS ((const char *, mode_t));
 170: extern int fcntl _PARAMS ((int, int, ...));
 172: /* Provide _<systemcall> prototypes for functions provided by some versions
 173:    of newlib.  */
 174: #ifdef _COMPILING_NEWLIB
 175: extern int _open _PARAMS ((const char *, int, ...));
 176: extern int _fcntl _PARAMS ((int, int, ...));
 177: #ifdef __LARGE64_FILES
 178: extern int _open64 _PARAMS ((const char *, int, ...));
 179: #endif
 180: #endif
 182: #ifdef __cplusplus
 183: }
 184: #endif
 185: #endif  /* !_FCNTL_ */

Html form generated by Xrefactory version 1.6.7 on Fri Sep 03 17:18:59 2004