In file Mt.d:

void MtVectorAttributes

(float a[], I32 ia, float env[], I32 ib,
  float ifq[], I32 ic, I32 n)

Provides a magnitude and phase envelope of the input by taking an FFT, removing the top half of the frequencies, taking the inverse FFT and then calculating the inverse FFT, yielding a filtered version of the input.


Provides a magnitude and phase envelope of the input by taking an FFT, removing the top half of the frequencies, taking the inverse FFT and then calculating the inverse FFT, yielding a filtered version of the input.
a - the input vector.
ia - the stride through a, in words and samples: ia=1 is every sample, ia=2 is every other sample.
env - the envelope, i.e. the magnitude of the filtered version.
ib - the stride through the env.
ifq - the phase of the filtered input.
ic - the stride through the phase array.
n - the number of points in the input and output arrays.

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Copyright 1993, 1994 Geophysical Software, Inc.
2603 Peninsulas Drive, Missouri City Texas 77459, (713)438-0583.
All Rights Reserved Company Confidential
Prepared for University of Minnesota, October, 2001