In file LwsVector.d:

class LwsVector

Provides a C++ object interface to various vector routines


Public Methods

[more] LwsVector ()
Object creator.
[more] ~LwsVector ()
Object destructor.
[more]float Energy ( float* inputData, long numberOfElements )
Calculates the energy in the given trace.
[more]float* Semblance ( float* traceData, long nTrace, float* eventData, long nEvent, long* semblanceLength )
Calculates the semblance between the two given trace.

Inherited from LwsBase:

Public Methods

ovoid Clean()
ovoid Setup()
ovoid SetErrorMessage( string newErrorMessage)
ovoid AppendErrorMessage( string nextErrorMessage )
ostring GetPreviousErrorMessage()
ostring GetErrorMessage( )
ovoid StdOut( float* output, long numberOfSamples )
ovoid StdFileOut( float* output, long numberOfSamples, string outputFileName="lastDataOutput" )
ovoid FileOut( float* output, long numberOfSamples, string outputFileName="lastDataOutput" )
ofloat* GetFileInput( string inputFileName, long* numberOfSamples )
ostring GetTempName( string seed = "ktmp")

Private Fields

ostring previousError
ostring currentError


Provides a C++ object interface to various vector routines
o LwsVector()
Object creator. You can provide the filter parameters here, or settle for the defaults.
none. -

o ~LwsVector()
Object destructor. Frees up the objects memory. Does not free up the array returned by build. The latter is the user's responsibility.
none. -

ofloat Energy( float* inputData, long numberOfElements )
Calculates the energy in the given trace. This is the sum of the squares of the elements.
- inputData is the input trace.
numberOfElements - is the number of elements in the trace.
energy, the float that is the energy.

ofloat* Semblance( float* traceData, long nTrace, float* eventData, long nEvent, long* semblanceLength )
Calculates the semblance between the two given trace. The semblance is the energy of the sum to the mean energy of the components. See the RunSemblance documentation for more information.
traceData - is the first input trace.
eventData - is the second input trace.
nTrace - is the number of elements in traceData.
nEvent - is the number of elements in eventData.
semblanceLength - is the length of semblance array, nTrace+2*nEvent. In the case of an error, we return a NULL pointer.
semblance, a floating point array that contains the semblance. This array must be deleted by the calling routine when it is no longer needed.

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

Copyright 1993, 1994 Geophysical Software, Inc.
2603 Peninsulas Drive, Missouri City Texas 77459, (713)438-0583.
All Rights Reserved Company Confidential
Prepared for University of Minnesota, October, 2001