o#define _FL_H
oCopyright 1993
oCopyright 1994 Geophysical Software
oCopyright 1994 Geophysical Inc. 2603 Peninsulas Drive
oCopyright 1994 Geophysical Inc. 2603 Peninsulas Missouri City Texas 77459
oCopyright 1994 Geophysical Inc. 2603 Peninsulas Missouri City Texas (713)
o* PhGlobalADTP
oextern PhGlobalADTP ph_glob
o#define _PH_FP_H
o#define _UL_H
o#define UlOffset(p_type,field)
o#define I32
o#define fretr(a)
o#define iretr(a)
o#define lretr(a)
o#define sretr(a)
o#define fsave(a)
o#define isave(a)
o#define ssave(a)
o#define _UL_FP_H
oI32 UlSegmentIntersection(double* seg0, double* seg1, double* xi, double* yi)
oI32 UlStringToValues(char* str, I32 mod, double** p)
ovoid UlA2SetNotSpecified(I32 val)
ochar* UlD2A(double val)
odouble UlA2D(char* val)
oI32 UlA2B(char* val)
ovoid UlAIsort(char** v, I32 n)
ovoid UlAsort(char** v, I32 n)
ochar** UlCopyPA(char* a[], I32 n)
ovoid UlDdump(char* str, I32 val)
ovoid UlHdump(char* str, I32 val)
ovoid UlFdump(char* str, float val)
ovoid UlSdump(char* str, char* val)
ovoid UlDadump(char* str, I32 val[], I32 n)
ochar* UlDate()
ovoid UlHadump(char* str, I32 val[], I32 n)
ovoid UlFadump(char* str, float val[], I32 n)
oI32 UlDBinarySearch(double target, I32 side, char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
oI32 UlFindPointer(void* target, void** array, I32 n_item)
oI32 UlFindString(char* target, char** array, I32 n_item)
ovoid UlFreePA(char* a[], I32 n)
oI32 UlDistancePointToSegment(double* xy_pnt, double* xy_seg1, double* xy_seg2, double* x_proj, double* y_off)
ovoid UlDsort(char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
oI32 UlFBinarySearch(float target, I32 side, char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ovoid UlFsort(char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ovoid UlGetDebugger()
oI32 UlGetNdec(double val, I32 signif)
oI32 UlIBinarySearch(I32 target, I32 side, char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ofloat UlInterp2d(float* xy, I32 n_points, I32 index, float v, I32 end_flag)
ofloat UlInterpRms(float* xy, I32 n_points, I32 index, float v)
ovoid UlHsi2rgb(I32 hue, I32 saturation, I32 intensity, I32* red, I32* green, I32* blue)
ofloat UlInverseDistInterp(float radius, float pow, float* xin, float* yin, float* zin, I32 numin, float x, float y)
oI32 UlInverseDistTaper(float radius, float taper, float* xin, float* yin, float* zin, I32 numin, float x, float y, float* z)
oI32 UlIsPointInsidePolygon(float xp, float yp, float* xy, I32 nsides)
oI32 UlIsPointInsidePolygonD(double xp, double yp, double* xy, I32 nsides)
oI32 UlIsPointNotOutsidePolygon(float xp, float yp, float* xy, I32 nsides)
oI32 UlIsPointNotOutsidePolygonD(double xp, double yp, double* xy, I32 nsides)
ovoid UlIsort(char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ovoid UlLLsort(char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ovoid UlLeastSquareAccumulate(float x, float y, I32 flag, float* slope, float* yinter)
ovoid UlLeastSquareFit(float* x, I32 incx, float* y, I32 incy, I32 n, float* slope, float* yinter, float* ascatt)
ofloat UlLinInt(float x, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
oI32 UlNxtpw2(I32 n)
ovoid UlParabolaMax(float* y, float* xmax, float* ymax)
odouble UlPlusMinusPiAngD(double ang)
ofloat UlPlusMinusPiAngF(float ang)
odouble UlPlusMinusPiHalfAngD(double ang)
ofloat UlPlusMinusPiHalfAngF(float ang)
odouble UlPosAngD(double ang)
ofloat UlPosAngF(float ang)
ovoid UlRgb2hsi(I32 ir, I32 ig, I32 ib, I32* ih, I32* is, I32* iv)
ovoid UlSsort(char* object, I32 n_objects, I32 offset, I32 size)
ovoid UlStartTimer()
ovoid UlEndTimer(char* message, I32 i)
ovoid UlSleep(I32 ms)
ovoid UlVectorDelete(void** p)
ovoid UlScalarDelete(void** p)
ovoid UlSwapIfNeeded(float val, float key, void* p, I32 n)
ovoid UlSwap8IfNeeded(double val, double key, void* p, I32 n)
ochar* UlTime()
oI32 UlTimeSec()
odouble UlZeroToPiAngD(double ang)
ofloat UlZeroToPiAngF(float ang)
ovoid UlZoeppritz(float* sin, I32* icw, I32* iow, I32* ictyp, float* vp1, float* vp2, float* vs1, float* vs2, float* rho1, float* rho2, float* coeffr, float* coeffi)
odouble f_acos(double arg)
ofloat f_atan2(float y, float x)
oI32 f_equal(float v1, float v2, float tol)
odouble f_sqrt(double x)
odouble d_atan2(double y, double x)
oI32 fread_string(FILE* fp, char* name, I32 max_char)
ovoid fskip_to_char(FILE* fp, I32 c)
ovoid init_retrieve(FILE* fp_a, char* temp_a)
oI32 fretrieve(char* name, float* val)
oI32 lretrieve(char* name, I32* val)
oI32 iretrieve(char* name, I32* val)
oI32 sretrieve(char* name, char* val)
ovoid sread_string(char* temp, char* name, I32 max_char)
ovoid sread_string_till(char* temp, char* name, I32 max_char, char end_char)
ochar* Strdup(const char* name)
ochar* StrdupNew(const char* name)
ochar* StrRStr(const char* name, const char* target)
ovoid StrChrSub(char* s, char old_c, char new_c)
oI32 strsum(const char* s)
oI32 strcmp_i(const char* s1, const char* s2)
oI32 strncmp_i(const char* s1, const char* s2, I32 n)
ovoid str2lc(char* s)
ovoid str2uc(char* s)
ovoid ascii2ebcdic(char* ascstr, char* ebcstr)
ovoid ebcdic2ascii(char* ascstr, char* ebcstr)
ochar* chop(char* s, char char_to_chop)
ovoid i4swap( char* in, int nsamp)
o#define _MACROS_H
o#define NULL
o#define min(a,b)
o#define max(a,b)
o#define abs(a)
o#define UlRange(i,i0,i1)
o#define nint(x)
o#define square(a)
o#define SNAP(a,b)
o#define ISNAP(a)
o#define V_DELETE(x)
o#define S_DELETE(x)
o#define FALSE
o#define TRUE
o#define H_INT

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

Copyright 1993, 1994 Geophysical Software, Inc.
2603 Peninsulas Drive, Missouri City Texas 77459, (713)438-0583.
All Rights Reserved Company Confidential
Prepared for University of Minnesota, October, 2001