Using Semblance based Time Delays to Locate Event Directions

Table of Contents

Using Semblance based Time Delays to Locate Event Directions. 1

Table of Contents. 1

Introduction. 1

Overview.. 2

Determining the Phase. 3

Handling Relative Time Delays. 4

Use of the Slowness Vector 6

Definition of the Time Delay Matrix. 6

Property 1 of the Time Delay Matrix. 6

Property 1. 6

Generalizations and Examples. 6

Example: A Vertically Incident Plane Wave. 8

The Effect of Noise in a Vertically Incident Plane Wave. 9

Example: Two Horizontally Incident Plane Waves. 10

Summary. 12

Index. 13

Bibliography. 14



We develop here a method that will use the relative time delays of an event between multiple satellites to find the direction and phase velocity of that event. Since we only dealing with the relative time delays of the event, we do not directly address the type or magnitude of the event. We are most interested, and hence concentrate almost exclusively on the finding the direction of the event.


In the first couple of sections, we use the tensor analysis of Harvey recast to fit our needs. Starting in the section “Use of the Slowness” vector, we develop new material that fit our needs.


In this development, we use the techniques of the tau-p method of seismic processing. For tau-p processing, one adjusts the slowness of a plane wave using , the slowness in a plot called a slant-stack. In out case,  we are using the concept of the slowness vector of a plane wave, i.e. , where n is the phase direction of the plane wave, and V is the phase velocity. This slowness vector  casts the derivation equations into a simple form.


We hope to eventually use these techniques in a case of the superposition of plane waves.


You will find in equation (3.9) a way to calculate the slowness vector given the relative time delays. We also have in equation (4.1) through (4.3) a way to use the slowness vector to  construct the time delay matrix that we have been calculating. Finally, in equations (5.5), (7.3), and Error! Reference source not found. we show (hopefully) familiar patterns of the time delay matrix.


As a bonus, we include the start of a noise analysis, and in the summary, a to-do list.


Consider N satellites moving in an orbit, and suppose a plane wave impinges on these satellites. The phase velocity of that plane wave is defined as V and the direction is given by the unit vector . Then the difference of the arrival times at two satellites is given by the expression:

(1.1)                                                                 .

Assume the coordinate system defined by placing the origin at the centroid of the satellites:

(1.2)                                                                           .

Suppose there is some uncertainty in the locations of the spacecraft and/or the calculation of the phase of the plane wave. In that case, one should consider the quantity S, the error between the estimated and actual values of the event’s temporal location

(1.3)                                                              ,

where  is simply an arbitrary fixed reference time. In the above expression, we want to minimize S. Define the slowness vector  as

(1.4)                                                                             .

In this case, we find that equation (1.3) may be re-written as


where we use the tensor summation convention , i.e. a repeated index implies a summation over all possible values of that repeated index.


In general we will be minimizing S in equation (1.5) while accommodating various levels of noise in the quantities.


Determining the Phase

We look here at the question of uncertainty in the phase of the plane wave. This uncertainty is expressed in the values of  and , the origin of time, and the phase slowness of the plane wave. In order to minimize (1.5) for these quantities, we need to take the partial derivatives with respect to  and  k=1,2,3. Setting those derivatives to 0, we find:

(2.1)                                        .

The first equation of (2.1) can be simplified by isolating the  term, and then using equation (1.2):

(2.2)                                                         .

(Remember the implied summation over k since k is a repeated index.) This last equation simply means that the best choice of the time origin is the average of the time delays.


Next consider the (volumetric) tensor defined by

(2.3)                                                            ,

the last expression using the tensor summation convention. We find that  is a second order tensor, which may be represented as a 3x3 matrix. Further, we can use  to simplify equation 2 of (2.1):


and so if we adopt the convention that our timing is such that , we find:

(2.4)                                                                   ,

where the index j=1,2, and/or 3, and hence not summed. The tensor  is a volumetric, second order tensor, and if the determinant of it is not 0, it can be inverted in (2.4) to yield:

(2.5)                                                                 ,

where again the summation over k is implied.


In summary, equation (2.5) relates the unknown slowness vector  to the known time delays of the event,  and the known location of the satellites, given by , and the volumetric tensor therein derived using equation (2.3).


 In the next tow sections, we introduce uncertainty in the variables . This uncertainty is broken up into two parts: (1) The assumption we only know the relative delays between pairs of satellites, and (2) The assumption that even those relative delays have noise.


Handling Relative Time Delays

In this section we deal with the reality that we only know the delay in the plane wave’s phase as calculated between satellites:




In this model, we only know , and want to apply equation (2.5) to find the slowness vector of the plane wave. First we note that




that is the time differences are anti-symmetric. That being the case, apply equation (2.1) to  and , summing over  and , and using the convention :




Using  as in equation (1.4), we find




As before, setting , we find




Isolating , we find




Collecting the positive and negative terms of the left side shows:




where the second term of the left hand side is 0 by equation (1.2), and the first term of the right hand side is simplified by definition (2.3). (Remember that since we used equation (1.2), we must always re-origin our vectors so that equation (1.2) works. Otherwise, the following will not work.)  Using equation (3.7) in equation (3.6) yields




a relation between the known satellite positions, the slowness vector, and the time delays of the phase of the plane wave. We can then solve for the slowness vector as in the previous section, and find




which may be written using equation (3.1) in the more computationally equivalent form




where we adopt the convention that  expresses the sum over the terms above the diagonal. Note that there are  such entries. In the case of a tetrahedron, that is 6 terms. In this way, we have removed the obvious redundancies from equation (3.9).


Although equation (3.10) removes the redundancies of equation (3.9) by using equation (3.1), it is not preferred in the presence of noise. That is because if our estimate of  is influenced by noise equation (3.1) is not always true. Thus, in our computations, we will be using equation (3.9).


Use of the Slowness Vector

Equation (3.9) gives us the slowness vector when we know the time delays of an event. Thus we can use that vector to recover the time delays. In this section we are running the process forward, i.e. assuming we know the slowness vector. We will use this technique to build a catalog of event types that we can then use to identify various superpositions of plane waves in the form of events.

Definition of the Time Delay Matrix

Consider a slowness vector  and a known array of satellites. We know from equation (1.1) that we can define an NxN time delay matrix T of the event as it propagates across the array of satellites:




We also define its cousin, the space delay array




This is an array of vectors. (I think this is some kind of tensor, but I am not yet sure.)

This leads to the equation




We will find the space delay array a computationally convenient device.


We then can use this time delay matrix to build the various patterns of events across the array.


Property 1 of the Time Delay Matrix

Since the components of T are anti-symmetric (  ), T itself is anti-symmetric.


In practice, the actual time delays are calculated using semblance on windows. Recall the definition of Semblance:




where f and g are the time series of the first and second satellite of a pair.


This formula is symmetric with respect to f and g. Thus we have:




This means that even in the presence of noise our estimate the elements of the time delay matrix T will be anti-symmetric. If that is not so, there is an error in the software. Call this anti-symmetry

Property 1

The time delay matrix T is anti-symmetric even in the presence of noise.


Generalizations and Examples


If two plane waves, with two different slowness vectors both cross the array, the resulting time delay matrix would not simple be the sum of the two events time delays, since the two events can add together in and out of phase. More on this will be presented later.



The measure of the arrival time of an event is a measure of the slowness vector by equation (3.9). We will construct several examples that demonstrate signatures of the arrival times.

Example: A Vertically Incident Plane Wave

We need a simple example that we can use for debugging the program that will implement this algorithm. In this simple case, the event, decomposed into plane waves all pointing in the same direction, is propagating parallel to the Z-axis on an array with four satellites.  We will assume a regular tetrahedron of unit height.


Just for the record, we will derive the coordinates of the perfect tetrahedron. Assume the tetrahedron has sides of unit length. Then by symmetry arguments, we can assign the coordinates  to the vertices of the tetrahedron. Since the distance between any two pairs of these points must be 1, we have the following equations:


and so we immediately have u=1/4. Next, some more algebra shows , and so using that in the first two equations, we get . Then we see that , and . The points of our tetrahedron are now . Since we wanted a unit height, we multiply all of these by , and then by setting




we get











This describes a tetrahedron in which satellites 2, 3, and 4 are coplanar in the z=0 plane, has a height of 1, and sides of length .


The space delay array associated with this set of satellites is:




Numerically, this is





In this case, the slowness vector is:





and by (5.2) the  matrix is:









This can be interpreted as follows: There is a time delay of  between the event at satellite 1 and satellites 2, 3, and 4, but no time delays between any pair of satellites 2, 3, and 4. Thus, using a semblance as an estimator, we can determine  from the various semblance peaks.

The Effect of Noise in a Vertically Incident Plane Wave

It is at this point we should now take into account the effect of noise.


Suppose the signal at satellite i is infected with a white stationary noise, that is the characteristics of the noise do not change with time. This does not mean two samples have the same noise, only that the noise two particular time-space points have similar properties. Using this assumption, we can make a statistical analysis of the various estimates. In particular, there will be a Gaussian uncertainty in the estimate of the elements of .[1] Assume the mean of the error is  and the standard deviation is . Then each estimate of the events time would be a random variable of the form , where each  is a different sample.


In general the errors induced by noise are symmetric, since the semblance is symmetric:





Thus, if the noise is temporal, and not spatial, we would have





(a)   is the error induced by the noise at the time the event hits satellite 1,

(b)  is the noise induced between the timings between satellite 1 and satellites 2, 3, and 4, and

(c)  is the error induced by the noise between pairs of 2, 3, and 4.

The matrix thus has the “shape”






Similarly, if the noise is only spatial, and not temporal, we would have:




Example: Two Horizontally Incident Plane Waves

We now look at the case for a satellite array as in the previous section experiencing a horizontally incident plane wave. That is the wave’s vector is  and so has a slowness vector of




In this case, using the table just prior to (5.2), we find that if the wave is from the right, and hits satellite 1 at time 0, we have, when  




Time Delay















Thus, setting




 the time delay matrix is of the form




If instead we had the plane wave coming in along the y-axis, we would have:






Time Delay














And setting




we get for our delay matrix





This may be a recognizable pattern.




We now have a method to find the slowness vector given the relative time delays of an event. Further, we have started building a catalog of patterns of the time delay matrix which may help in recognizing events.


The next three action items are:

(1)   Confirm the efficacy of equation (3.9) using my test samples, and also using John’s data. I have a program that can do this. I need to recast that program so that it will produce a time delay matrix as output.

(2)   I start looking at a superposition of plane waves and/or events that propagate from more than one direction. This will be an embellishment of John’s idea.

(3)   I look at the effect of noise in the calculations of the relative delays. I have started this in the section entitled “The Effect of Noise in a Vertically Incident Plane Wave.”



Horizontally Incident Plane Waves....................... 10

Vertically Incident Plane Wave.............................. 8

noise................................................................... 9, 12

plane wave pahse delay............................................. 4


definition............................................................... 6

slowness vector.................................. 2, 12. See tau-p

Estimation............................................................. 4

superposition of plane wav....................................... 12

tau-p......................................................................... 1

time delay matrix..................................................... 12

Time Delay Matrix..................................................... 6

noise..................................................................... 9

Properties............................................................. 6

volumetric tensor....................................................... 3

white noise................................................................ 9




Harvey, "Spatial Gradients and the Volumetric Tensor", Chapter 12 of the ISSI Scientific Report Analysis of Multi-Spacecraft Data, SR-001 of The International Space Institure, 1998.................................................................... 1


[1] We reserve for now the argument that the noise in the estimates is Gaussian. The type of statistical distribution is not important to our analysis, since we only use the first and second moments of the statistics.